Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Supersize me it's Christmas Day!

I have tried to be good and I did promise not to eat too much and try and return home looking similar to when I left, but being in America, 'the land of the free', it was hard not to try so many new things and of course at Christmas time there can be an exception, can't there?
Here I am devouring my massive Christmas dinner and I did not even have room for the lovely pie and cream afterwards. :-( I have put on an extra 5 kilos in 3 weeks, so how many weeks will it be before I loose them?

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Don't Tampa with me!

Having booked my flight to escape a cold winter Christmas and New Year, I was eager to get away and enjoy some sunshine and relax for 3 weeks. Little did I realise the journey ahead was not so relaxing and I'm not just referring to the plane! As my sister has now relocated to Tampa, Florida seemed a great destination to see yet another part of the world and the US I have not yet visited. Although I've been to Miami, Tampa is completely different, or should I say Miami is completely different to the rest of Florida. The City of Tampa is the largest city in Hillsborough County, is the county seat and is the third most populous city in Florida. It is located on the west coast of Florida, approximately 200 miles northwest of Miami (so a good 3 hour car journey away), 180 southwest of Jacksonville, and 20 miles northeast of St. Petersburg (which I will talk about later). Although it is winter in Florida the weather is still nice and warm, but can fluctuate from nice to bad weather in a matter of days. When I arrived the weather was pretty cold, around 15' but this was due to a cold spell passing through and rightly said within a couple of days the weather was nice and warm with temperatures up to 28-30' so not so bad and a lot better than Switzerland which was around -4' on the day I left. Florida is a strange state, different rules and laws apply here so crazy things are allowed, for example; you can buy a gun (if you have no previous convictions), ride a motorbike with no helmet (as long as you wear eye protection, sunglasses or goggles) and you can freely drive whilst drinking coffee, smoking and making a cellular call. Well the last 3 are not really permitted but everyone does this and this definitely contributes to the vast amount of road traffic accidents. Anyway 'enough already' of this and let me focus on my holiday with family, oh yeah I forgot to mention that part, most of my family joined me for the Christmas and New Year break. So you can imagine a house full of people, kids, neighbours and alike. At least I had the first 2 days of peace as I arrived first! Here are some of the many activities I did over the 3 weeks which include; Clearwater - a beautiful seaside city with amazing white sandy beaches, Busch Gardens - great adventure park for kids and adults, with death defying rides, a safari and many other attractions, just be prepared for long queues, a Shooting Range - even for people like me that had never held a gun before I was permitted to take my pick of weapon (any bloody weapon, which was the scary thing) and go and blast a target, Lazar Quest - great for all the family and much more fun than the real thing, International Plaza shopping Mall - great for shopping but a little more expensive that other Malls, but still half the price of anything you can buy in 'rip-off' Europe!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

My kaleidoscopic World

Spinning around inside my head. I can’t make head nor tails what is said. Bringing virtual reality to my bed. I must be dreaming or is it something I have read?

I could not sleep last night after a weeks’ worth of traveling for business and pleasure as I’m too tired to know what is real and what is not. Having slept in a variety of different beds this week I have come to realise that I need my own bed and an undisturbed sleeping pattern. The constant change of environment, the late nights and many things on my mind, I entered my dream world full of useless information that was mixed up and construed into a fantasy world of make believe. Have I gone crazy or is this normal and everyone is experiencing this once asleep, or do I need the men in the white coats to lock me away in a room with padded walls and no windows? Entering a magical world of adventure is also a great and thrilling time, as the impossible becomes possible and reality clashes with virtualness. All barriers are accessible and dimensions of inner unconsciousness mixes with the once normal thought patterns of consciousness now blur my every movement. Well no real physical movement, although the relentless virtual activities which bring me out in a cold sweat and gasping for breath when I suddenly jolt up in bed wondering where the hell I am. I think I will try to unwind and go to bed early, less tired and less stressed, in my own bed and see if this makes a difference, and of course keeping off the cheese before bed time as this also contributes to a restless night. Good night and happy dreams……….

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Spot the difference

Has anyone else noticed the similarity between Mr. Bean and Ronnie O'Sullivan?
Maybe it's just me, but I was watching the snooker on TV tonight and every time the camera zoomed in on Ronnie he was pulling some unusual expressions and the first thought that came to mind was Mr. Bean... Maybe it's the same person? Ronnie Bean, or Bean O'Sullivan.

PC or not PC that is the question

I think I'm turning into my computer! Yes you may think I am strange or have lost the plot, but I woke up this morning thinking what was the difference and I believe I am one in the same as my PC. A Metamorphosis has taken place and my PC and I have become one. A bit like the movie 'The Fly' when actor Jeff Goldblum becomes one with the fly that enters his telepod. Good movie and probably more interested than my story, so I advise you to stop reading this and go and watch the movie instead. Anyway back to me and my PC (no not Police Constable, but Personal Computer), so where was I? mm, OK so I was thinking what is the difference as I think we are the same in many aspects as noted: We both switch on in the morning and run through the starting up process. For me it's a wash, clean my operating system, dump download, and a refresh my parts. Then check all my features and attributes are working properly or I would need to do a restart, a bit like getting out of the wrong side of bed, if it does not work, go back to bed and start again. Then some intake of new information and energies, which is breakfast of course, followed by a levels check to ensure that everything is topped up ready for the day ahead. So with my power levels up, disc cleaned and my chips eaten (maybe the lunch reboot), I'm ready to start the day. My virtual world then begins and I become an extension of my PC or is my PC becoming an extension of me? mmm that's a little like the chicken and egg... So all plugged in I'm ready to switch off from the real world and enter my virtual world. If you too are experiencing these problems, take my advice and get yourself a life and switch off the PC and go for a walk, it's better for your health and it's real..

A load of Baltics

Have you ever been to the Baltic States? No! Well for me I have had the pleasure to at least see one of them, and not knowing too much about the Baltic countries I was a little naive to where they are and what countries make them up. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. My journey brought me to Lithuania on a business trip, which is always nice, but you don’t get enough time to explore and discover the beauties of the country. Having arrived on a direct flight from Zurich to Vilnius (the capital city of Lithuania), on airBaltic, I made my way to my hotel, the Reval Hotel Lietuva just over the river from the main city and a 20 minute walk away from the centre. So here is my synopsis of Vilnius; In 2009 Vilnius will celebrate 1000 years of its name as a recognized capital city and the city will also be preparing to become the European Capital of Culture. So a lot will happen next year and it is pretty evident as the city is having a face lift and a lot of restoration work is going on, especially with the churches and old period buildings. They say Vilnius is dreaming with its eyes open, well I tend to agree, and having spent a lazy day wandering through the city, up and down the old cobbled inner city, I have come to relies that this city is a thrive of activity, not only during the day with the hustle and bustle of city life, but it comes alive after sunset so be prepared! So if you like market stalls, street music, carnivals and traditional costume, local beer, great food, superb hospitality and beautiful looking girls, then this is the place. I also noticed a lot of casinos all over the city, so is this a gambling nation? With the mix of old and new, modern and classic architecture, Vilnius is truly a beautiful city. Vilnius airport has also changed since my last trip and has a brand new extension and is looking pretty modern and relatively easy to navigate around as it’s still small. Check out the links you may learn something new..
I would also like to add that whilst I was wandering through the city I noticed a crowd of people gathering and was curious to know what was going on. So I made may way over to find out what was so interesting and to my and everyone else's astonishment we saw the aftermath of an accident. Nothing serious, but more amusing than anything else. What appeared to have happened was; a woman driver, yes sorry but it was a woman, had somehow managed to drive, or should I say reverse her car down a pedestrian walkway, through some metal posts, then across a paved area, embedding the rear of the car onto a big potted plant and launching the car airborne up some steps before finally coming to stop at the top. Strange and quite bizarre that she just did not stop and apply the breaks before causing so much destruction, but then she was probably on the phone and putting her make-up on at the same time.

No more heros!

I watch and wait but nothing ever changes. Up and down, but never quite high enough, then down again but never quite to the bottom. So what am I talking about you may ask, well my beloved, Newcastle United Football club, and one I have followed since I was a young lad living in the North East of England. A team for me that just don't have what it takes to be a great team, a good team at best but never a great team. Why? I have no idea, the investment is there, and they have had some great players over the last decade, and some good coaches and unquestionable loyalty from the many thousands of fans, but still no return of investment. No sliver wear, no trophy's and a very frustrated old firm of supports that have been waiting patiently for something that they can pass on to the next generation of supporter. So what has and is going wrong? I have no idea and although Sam the Man Allardyce, has pledged his guidance and management skills to get them over the finish line, this is still not working. Prior to the latest game against Reading, which we lost 2-1, Newcastle were in 8th position and had 2 games in hand, which if we had won, we would have jumped to 4th spot, right up there with the big boys and would have been the best start in the premiership for many years and really given Sam a fighting chance to prove he has what it takes to get the old dog going.
But anybody who thought Sam had solved Newcastle's age-old problems at the back were left to think again after what could be politely described as a shambolic performance by the defence. All the problems were expected at the other end for a Reading team who had conceded 11 goals in three games, but it was the visitors who did their utmost to gift Steve Coppell's men a goal.
Another problem is also with Newcastle's consistency, they can play some outstanding football one week and beat the top teams then fall by the way side in a crushing defeat against an underdog. It is not just frustrating it is painful to watch week in and out, always hoping they will become the great team they once were. The last piece of silver wear was back in 1975 when Newcastle were the Texaco Cup Winners and prior to that in 1955 as the F.A. Cup winners, but since then, NOTHING!
What has gone wrong and will Newcastle ever be anything more than a medioca club?

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Do or Di!

mm, writing about the Death of Princess Di and Dodi al-Fayed was not really my intention, but having lived in London at the the time and having an overwhelming impulse to go to Kensington Palace (the former residence of the People's Princess) I, like many thousands, yes thousands of average everyday people, made our pilgrimage to pay our respects for a truly remarkable lady. When I first heard the news break on the TV, then the radio and every other media source available at the time, I was in shock. A kind of shock that I had never really experienced ever before and one you feel for a close friend or relative that has died. It was very strange as I was not really a follower of the Royals and the Monarchy, although I liked some of the traditions. But was always fascinated with the fairy tale of a Lady that became a Princess then was excommunicated from the Royal household as a potential embarrassment to the Establishment, would surely not go unpunished, after all tradition is tradition! Well as we now live in the 21st Century and times have changed, we don't hang people for treason, or blasphemy, we actually write about it in the tabloid newspapers and then laugh about it during our tea breaks. But this was no ordinary fairy tale, this one was about a jealous and conniving Prince and a Royal Family that believed in tradition (mm a bit like the movie Fiddler on the Roof). Traditions have to be obeyed and followed and whether or not you agree you are now brain washed into this cult and have to follow the rule book or suffer the harsh consequences. So what did really happened on that dreadful day on 31st August, 1997? More than 10 years ago and we still do not know, or do we? Well the evidence is there, if you look hard enough it is all apparent. We have all seen these marvelous conspiracy movies (like the latest one 'The Bourne Ultimatum'), read the numerous books by authors like Dan Brown and also read enough newspapers and Internet findings to realise this was not a tragic accident. You would have to be a fool to think so, especially when there are so, so many damming claims that make it impossible to think otherwise. Don't take my word for it, read them yourself. Also why is it that 98% of the UK citizens asked in a poll, agreed this was no accident? mm! I would also like to know why the body guard Trevor Rees-Jones, the only survivor of the deadly accident, claims he has amnesia and can not remember a thing! Very convenient, so the evidence stacks up higher and higher and will one day topple.. Who Killed Diana? by Simon Regan. I really feel sorry for the direct families of the victims as they have to live this nightmare over and over again. I stand by Mohamed al-Fayed in his judgement, although it will never bring the 3 victims back the truth should be known!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Brushing up on my English

A trip back to my mother land is always a pleasant welcome. It's an opportunity to catch up with old friends, and yes we are all getting older! :-) Spending time with my family and trying to ensure I give them all a piece of my attention, love and warmth.. haha! Anyway this trip was a 10 day break from work and I was able to brush up on my English slang, learn all the new buzz words (so I could fit in and not look like a foreigner in my own country) and eat all the lovely English food I have missed for the past few months since my last trip. For example, I love the smell and taste of fish and chips and to eat them out of the bag, well it's the only way you should eat them... Also a nice Sunday roast, an unhealthy English breakfast and to get to 'Subway' for a tuna and cheese melt, not forgetting the number one dish, an Indian curry. Anyway my trip home was most enjoyable and unfortunately I never seem to have enough time to spend with everyone, but then there is always next time!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Triumphant Triumph

This is the new 'Naked' street bike from Triumph, the Street Triple. Launched in Italy in August the bike has been a huge success, so damn successful I'm still waiting for mine from my local bike dealer. The standard 3 week wait has turned into 6 weeks and I'm still waiting. It will be snowing by the time it arrives and I will have to put it away for the winter season :-( The good thing is I have the demo bike on free loan, so I have been blasting around the Swiss countryside, getting lost and discovering new places. Switzerland is a bikers paradise as there are so many different roads, mountain passes, lakes and great places to explore. This weekend was fantastic, the weather was great and nice and sunny, quite warm around 19' so was perfect for a day's biking.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Day Trip around Switzerland

Another early start and late finish, will I ever get to sleep in and be lazy, or should I say more lazy than usual.. Well it was worth it, a very enjoyable day out with my old buddies from the Philippine community. A bus full of crazy Philippina housewife's, tonnes of food, singing, bad jokes and me! From the start to the finish we never seemed to stop eating, there must have been enough food to feed the 3rd world and I think I ate half of it. Not good for my fitness program and to shed a few kilos, but then it's not everyday and I can enjoy and indulge once in a while.
It was organized by the Samahang Philipina Bern group and this was their annual Excursion and my second. So where did we go? Well we started off from Bern and our first stop was Aarau, then onto Lenzburg castle, the Cloister Church in Muri, Lucerne, then on to Fortress Furigen (Swiss Army historic museum built into the mountain), and then a scenic round trip along the lakes (the Golden pass train route) towards Brienz, Interlaken, Thun and back to Bern. So all in all a very enjoyable day and some beautiful places we stopped off at on the way. I have probably missed the names of a few as we made so many stopped I was never sure where we were. I look forward to next years!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dexys Midnight Runners

Today I was rudely woken by what first appeared to be Dexys Midnight Runners, well if you know them you must be as old as I. Well it wasn’t quite them ringing on my door at 8 in the morning, it was the plumbers. What are the plumbers doing so bloody early in the morning disturbing you from your sleep I hear you say? Well there was a notice in everyone’s mailbox to advise us that they would be in and out off people's apartments today as they are renewing the hot water boiler system for the heating. And yes I think we will need it pretty soon as it’s getting a little chilly in the evenings. Anyway it wasn’t Dexy and her Midnight Runners, no not at all, but the initial appearance through sleepy eyes, bad hair and just my underpants (not that I sleep in my underpants but had to pull on something quick -oh err!), I thought I was being dragged off into the back of a van, you know like one of those TV contests, and I would have to sing in a band and wear dodgy baggy Dungarees covered in paint and stuff.

The Soup Dragon!

Do you remember the 'Soup Dragon' from children's TV back in the 70's? Well if you do you must be as old as I, so check out the link if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Well I was not really going to talk about children's TV but I was reminded by this when I started to make soup. Yes I can make my own and I love to experiment with vegetable soup. So here are my ingredients for a cold Autumn night; Leeks, onions, garlic, red chilly pepper (be careful cos I put 2 whole ones in and cut them open, big mistake as the soup was red hot), potatoes (slided), vegetable stock, basil leaves, baby whole mushrooms, cauliflower (chopped) and some salt, pepper, ginger and herbs. Then I left it in a big pot on a slow cook and stunk the whole apartment with the aroma of vegetable soup, which reminded me of the Soup Dragon. Yes I'm strange but some silly things trigger off memories.....Oh, the soup lasted a few days and was fantastic, well a bit too hot, so no cut open chillies next time.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


SYPOBA! What the hell am I talking about? Well try it and see. As I try to keep in a little bit of shape I often try new sports activities and at my fitness center there are always opportunities to try something new. So having done a bit of Pilates, which is improving every time I go, well I think so! I was asked if I would like to try SYPOBA, yes easy for you to say, but I still can not get my tongue around the pronunciation. So what is it? Well it's kind of balancing on a piece of wood and not just standing still but whilst balancing trying not to touch the floor with either side of the wood you are standing on, bend over touch your toes, twist your position and a load of impossible maneuvers. So today was my first class and I thought I would be smart and not join the beginners but the advances class. Big mistake as these guys all knew how to balance and move without any problems. But for me it was good and for my first killer lesson I manged to stay balanced no problem and even successfully moved around. It's great fun, very hard work and I was sweating like a fat boy when the class finally came to an end. One hour of this is very tough, so go and have a go 'if you think you are hard enough!'

Saturday, September 01, 2007

28 Weeks Later

This movie should have been called 28 minutes later because that is the most that you can possibly tolerate. The whole movie was a load of rubbish and I wonder why I ever went to see it. A British/American film, where a virus infects the population of Britain and the Americans (as usual) come to the rescue. A very poor plot, and really not worth sitting through, maybe 28 minutes would have been more appropriate, but I think that is even too long to endure. Take my advice and don't go and see it, spend you money on something better or even waste it somewhere but not on this movie!! Oh yeah, the best thing about the movie was the beautiful Emily Beecham, with her piercing blue eyes and good looks. But maybe she also turns into a 'zombie like' virus killing machine, so maybe you shouldn't kiss her either. Oh yeah, forgot to mention the virus can be passed on with a kiss. Maybe the whole plot was to symbolise the dangers of unprotected sex?? mm, maybe not, but I still don't know why they made such a weak and crappy film with some good actors.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Trains, Planes and Automobiles, plus more...

Well the day started off very well, an early start from Bern to Luzern and I was promptly at the main Bahnhof to catch the 07:30 train. Little can be said for Marissa as a last minute dash she made it with seconds to spare before the doors closed and we departed from Bern destine for a day of adventure. We weren't very smart not getting a Swiss Day Cards for 39 francs, so had to make do with the half tax rail pass instead. Yes Mum I know you are brighter than me and would have planned this in advance, but as I like to leave things to the last minute I was a bit too late. Anyway where was I, oh yeah, on the train bound for Luzern. So what were we doing up so early? Well getting an early start so we could cram in a busy day. Once in Luzern, sun shining we walked along the promenade toward the "Verkehrshaus museum" which is the transport museum, full of all shape and sizes of different transport contraptions, cars, planes, boats, bikes, trains, etc. so well worth a visit if you like that sort of thing. Arriving just before 10:00 we had a few minutes to wait before the doors opened and we were allowed in. .......TBC

Sunday, August 19, 2007

What a Day!

Yes what a day! Well it all started off pretty good, the weather forecast was sun, sun and more sun with a few clouds and would be 27'. Well that is what I thought, actually in Bern it was like this all day and you could do a spot of sunbathing, but for me out on a bike up in the mountains it was not quite how I imagined and was little prepared for what was to come. So getting up relatively early for a Sunday at around 07:00, too early for me, but I was very eager to get out on the bike and test the little Monster. Maybe not so little as it is a 1000cc with a wonderful roar and an engine that give you a thrill puring away between your legs. Now, now, keep it clean! So off I set for the 3 passes, not sure if I would do all 3 but for sure I was going to get to the Grimselpass come what may. Actually I nearly had to eat my words as I very nearly turned around and gave up, but hang on I will get to that in a minute. My route took me from Bern on the smaller, more scenic roads and off the main highway, so a far better way to see the countryside and try out the nice windy roads. I followed the route to Thun, Spiez, then on to Interlaken, up to Brienz, alone the lake and heading towards Meiringen. Once there I filled up with fuel as I did not want to run out of fuel half way up or down a mountain. Only 13 Francs and the tank was full and enough petrol to get me there and maybe even back to Bern, so not so bad. Stopping to fill up I also spoke to a fellow biker Thomas on his way up to the 3 passes, a common thing on a weekend. Thomas was over for Stuttgart (Germany) for a weeks holiday and watching his brother compete in one of these crazy triathlons, swimming 3km across Thunersee, cycling 120km and then a run up to the top of the Schilthorn (2970m high). Mad, mad people! Anyway back to my trip, so as this guy had done the trip before he said I could follow him to the Grimselpass and depending on the ride I could carry on to the other passes or return. Up until now the weather was perfect, warm and sunny, but as we set off, I said to Thomas if I hold you up I will see you at the top. For the first 30 minutes it was fine, I was close behind him, although he did have a sports bike and head down overtaken everything in his path. I thought this was not my idea of riding so I took my time, enjoying the scenery and wanted to get there in one piece, especially as it was a hired bike, my first time up a Swiss mountain and the longest time I had been on the Ducati. So with this in mind I plodded along up the very step and windy mountain roads. Then as I was about half way up my assent, the weather changed, the clouds came over and the skies closed in around me and it literally 'pissed down with rain', so much so I was soaked, it went right through everything, so I was like a drown rat on a bike. Then to add more discomfort then came the mist, so much that you could not see a hand in front of you and with the tight windy road it was pretty dangerous. But I felt that only 13km to the summit I was going to carry on as I was already wet through and there was no shelter until I could get to the restaurant at the top. Riding with a lot of care and attention I was slowly getting closer and closer, when the thunder and lightening came, followed by large hailstones, which bloody hurt pelting off your body. Eventually I made it, got to the top, parked up and walked through into the warmth of the restaurant to join the other sodden bikers. My German buddy Thomas said he missed all the bad weather and arrived just as it started. Lucky bastard I thought, but then he had 2 other passes to get to before he would return, so I was sure it would catch him at some point. Once in the restaurant I had a hearty meal and some warm drinks, thawed out and managed to dry my clothes. After an hour the weather turned and the sun came out, so we decided to go our own way and part company, I was returning back down the mountain the way I had came and looked forward to get back to Interlaken, this being my focus at that point. Well halfway back down the mountain and after a few stops for pictures the rain came again and it was a mad dash to stay ahead of it, but not my luck as it followed me all the way to Interlaken before it subsided. From Interlaken to Thun it was not so bad, although raining it was not bad and yes I was soaked again. To save time at this point I thought F**k it and I'll take the fast way home from Interlaken to Bern on the highway, which saved a lot of time and I could see the sun was in the distance. Arriving back in Bern it was a beautiful sunny day with a few clouds. I was blown dry on the bike and was damp by the time I got home, cold and was in desperate need of a hot bath to warm up. I was a little annoyed seeing people out without shirts on (the men not women) and shorts, meanwhile I was wet and cold. So I parked up the bike at home, got inside and ran a warm bath to thaw out and warm up.. All in all I have had the most intensive and invigorating bike tour ever and although at times I was cold and miserable it was the most exhilarating and breathtaking experience I have had in a long time and I look forward to the next. Oh.. and by the way the bike was fantastic, so it passed the test for me!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

My Monster

Today I picked up a Ducati Monster for another exciting tour around Switzerland, not sure where I will be going on Sunday (the offical rental day) but somewhere up a mountain near Meiringen 1 of the 3 Swiss mountain passes, although there are dozens of passes these are called the 3. I will take my camera to capture some of the beautiful scenery on the way. Ok, enough for now, although already I feel more comfortable on the Ducati than the Triumph Triple Speed and I do love the sound of the engine, more to follow tomorrow...............

Friday, August 17, 2007

Pole to Pole

Poland and back in a day is tough. I was up at 05:00 and arrived home at 19:30, not so bad today but normally if I got the last flight out of Warsaw I'm normally home at midnight. Today was easier apart from the mother and 3 kids that all managed to cry, or should I say scream for the full duration of the flight, not just disturbing me (sat in the row behind) but the whole flight. I was only too pleased to get off the plane and seek some peace and quiet. And no it was not my face that made them all cry, actually when I smiled at the kids they stopped, well for about 5 seconds. Lucky for me the flight is only 1.5 hours and not long haul, otherwise I would have joined in the crying!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"On Her Majesty’s Secret Service"

Schilthorn - Piz Gloria It’s worth the journey for the views. From MĂĽrren, the valley floor is 800m straight down, and the panorama of snowy peaks filling the sky is dazzling: you gaze across at the blank wall of the Schwarzmönch, with the great TrĂĽmmelbach gorge slicing a wedge of light into the dark rock, while the awesome trio of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau are ranged above and behind in picture-perfect formation. From MĂĽrren, the cable-car continues its breathtaking ride up to Birg and on to the Schilthorn summit (2970m), where you can enjoy exceptional panoramic views and sip cocktails in the revolving Piz Gloria summit restaurant, featured in the James Bond film On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. The trip’s less expensive than that to the Jungfraujoch (which is very expensive unless you are Japanese), and also less of a tourist merry-go-round, but just as memorable. The exposed terrace on the top is, if anything, even more dramatic than the Jungfraujoch, with a wraparound vista of icy peaks all around, from the Eiger to the Matterhorn to Mont Blanc, also offering a clear sight down to Thun and Bern, if you get a clear day of course, not like us as it was very patchy and we grabbed a quick glimpse through the mist. Fares on the Schilthornbahn are steep, but not outrageous. From Stechelberg to the top is currently Fr.85 round trip, from MĂĽrren Fr.57. Eurailers pay 75 percent and Swiss Pass holders travel free to MĂĽrren and pay 75 percent from there upwards. Luckily for my parents they purchased a Swiss rail card so they were ok and I did have my 1/2 tax rail pass so not so bad. Arriving at MĂĽrren which itself was “discovered” by the British in the 1840s is beautiful and has a long tradition both of winter sports and of hospitable gentility – some of the first competition skiing in Switzerland was done on the slopes around MĂĽrren. An Englishman, Arnold Lunn, claims to have invented the slalom here in 1922, while the famous “Inferno” amateur downhill race from the Schilthorn peak to MĂĽrren (a descent of 2170m) was held for the first time in 1928, and is still an annual fixture in February. The Schilthorn cable-car station is at the southern end of the village; at the opposite, northern, end is MĂĽrrenbahn train station, starting point for the cliff-edge train to GrĂĽtschalp. Once at the top, a little more chilly as the temperature can drop 10' but you can warm up and eat a delicious meal at the world's first revolving restaurant, with prices that are comparable with any restaurant so not going to blow your budget. You can even eat a James Bond spaghetti, whilst watching the 360' view. Then get yourself out on the the big terrace and enjoy the spectacular mountain ranges! A great day out so worth doing....

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Bloomin' lovely

Having a balcony without flowers is not so good, so whilst my parents are over I have set them a little task and help me with the balcony decorations. Plants, plants and more plants! Well I manged to hire a mobility car, very easy to do so on the internet and within a few minutes all booked and we were on our way to the local mobility center to pick up the car (10 minutes walking away). I booked 2 hours thinking this will be enough to get to a garden centre and back, well we only just made it in time, as choosing flowers and balcony furniture is not so easy. Anyway all done and back in time and I left the flower arranging to my Mum who loved every minute. So I now have my own reclining wooden chairs and plants.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bowling tonight

You win some you loose some! As there was no badminton this week 6 of use decided that we should play 10 pin bowling at the local (next to the Bern hookers) bowling center. Well like usual I arrived late and missed the first game so joined in for the next 2. My first game was terrible, and I was 4th so not so good. But for me this was a warm up game and I told them I was going to show them how to play in the last game. We as I was going last the pressure was on, especially as the first guy got 2 strikes in a row on his first couple of goes. Well not to be out done I got 3 strike in my first 3 goes so was now leading. I continued to play pretty good and no one could catch me up, I actually won easily with the highest score of the evening with 154, not bad as my all time record is 163. So I told them I would win and I did so I was pleased and now they refuse to play with me again!! haha.. Back to badminton next week, so they will teach me a lesson for beating them as their game is better than mine, well they have been hoing for many, many years and this is my first year, so they better watch out as I'm improving fast!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Your the Apple of my PIE!

A big thanks to Marissa who very kindly made a wonderful apple pie for me and my parents. All made from her fair hand and the apples from her garden. We all enjoyed this and had it polished off in 2 days. Very Delicious!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Parents are back in town

Here again, now I know what it's like to look after a couple of kids. My parents don't need an excuse to come to visit me, especially to explore such a beautiful country. Equipped with their Swiss pass for all public transport they make the most out of the trains, trams, buses, boats and some cable cars. As I was extremely busy this week with work and the weather for the first few days was colder and raining I thought they should jump on the train and get themselves down to Lugano where the forecast was warm and sunny. So without further a do, this is exactly what they did, and for me I could finish off some work ready for their return 2 days later. There is always a fine balance between work and play and with my particular job you can rarely plan this as it chances so frequently.

Horsing around!

Bern National Equestrian Centre is a place I pass when I cycle to the gym and the smell hits you first of the horses and then the atmosphere of people riding, which always gives me a nostalgic feeling of wanting to be back on a horse. So one day whilst cycling past I decided to stop and enquire if I could ride a horse. Firstly I had to find the person in charge and then hope that they spoke English as I think I would have to make sign language to explain this otherwise, which could be rather amusing. Once I had established Mr. Bienz (Herr Hans Bienz) not Mr. Heinz Beans as I first thought, I was half way to requesting a horse. Actually he is a very pleasant man and has a massive task of managing the stables, the events and everything to do with the Equestrian Centre, so I was very pleased he had the time and patients for me. He asked if I rode and I told him I had but a while ago, well actually last November in Spain and 9 years prior to that weeks holiday, which I omitted from saying. He arranged for me to have a horse, asked one of the girls to saddle up for me and then I lead the horse out of the stables and was ready to go. Mr. Bienz then said I was free to ride the horse around the outside arena (which was busy with rider and their buggies, in preparation for a show on the weekend, and I thought I did not want to piss them off weaving in and out of them I asked if I could use the horse jumping show ground), to which Hans said of course but don't go jumping. I thought no bloody way as I was worried about staying on the horse let alone any jumps, even striding a puddle would amount to a jump for me.
So now it was time to get on the horse and I had to remember this and with no assistance I had to show I was in charge of the horse and I knew what I was doing. Easier said that done, but I managed to mount the horse (named Dubio, or something like that). Hans said I better take a whip as he can have a mind of his own and I may need this to bring him under control. Shit!, I thought, this is just what I need, a rookie left alone with a horse with no supervision as Hans said he has some work to do and will come out and check on me in 20 minutes. 20 minutes! I thought to myself, I could have a wild horse and be thrown off into a bush somewhere, or have a mad horse running wild, taking me over the jumps for 20 minutes. Anyway off I went, trying not to show any fear, as I hear that a horse can sense fear, or maybe they can smell it as people have often sh*t themselves and the horse takes this as a sign to play up. After 1 complete circuit of the entire perimeter of the show ground, walking the horse of course, I was starting to get my confidence. Remembering some some details like keeping my heels down, not pulling the reigns too tight, squeezing the horses belly to let him know I'm still on top, slightly nudging him along with my heels and the most important thing before I started off was to ensure the saddle was re-tightened as horses have a habit of pushing their belly out when you put the saddle on and if you don't get another couple of belt clicks on each side of the saddle you are sure to slide right off. Yes a bit like in the movies!
So in my jobbers, my chaffs, my riding hat and whip I must have looked like a real professional plonker! Well it wasn't long before I had made a few circuits, each time a bit more adventurous and I even cantered around the next couple and spotted Hans shouting over to me. I thought he was saying you f**kin' idiot what are you doing sitting on the horse the wrong way around, the head the the other end, but he was actually saying I was doing well and can take the horse back when I'm ready. To tell the truth I was exhausted, it was a long 20 minutes already and I was sweating more than the horse and I was beat. My legs, my back and whole body ached, but I could not quit yet as I have not had a gallop. By the way I forgot to mention it was a dull overcast day and was slightly raining, so not too pleasant. Anyway once Hans was gone out off sight I decided this was it and John Wayne eat your heart out as I'm the new kid on the block. Getting a horse to gallop is not so easy and in the line that you think you are pointing them is also not easy. Well kicking Dubio on (not so hard as I did not want a flat out gallop), he started to move. Slowly at first but with a little persuasion he was in his stride and off we went in perfect harmony. Well a bit of a bumpy start (I think he had the wrong fuel), but soon we were on our way, racing around the show ground, sometimes going where I wanted but mostly going where Dubio decided was best and as he seemed to know the show ground better than I then who was I to tell him....
Well after about an hour I was shot, so we went back to the stables and I removed his 'tack' I think that's the word for all his gear and washed him down and he went straight to his bed, lay down and was straight off to sleep. Lucky bugger as I was more exhausted and I had to cycle home, wet and muddy. So I thanked Hans, gave him his 50 Francs (cheap I thought for all this fun) and we left it open for the next time where he would like one of the girls to accompany me and show me some technique. Well that could be extra fun and I know what these stable girls are like, or is that just in the movies also??

Sunday, August 05, 2007

I like to ride my bicycle I like to ride my BIKE!

Not quite a bicycle but a Triumph Triple Speed 1050 on hire for the weekend from Hess in Ostermundigen. Yes easy for me to say! more to follow.................................

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Muenchen - yum, yum!

Munching - bite, break up, champ, chaw, chomp, crunch, crush, eat, grind, mash, masticate, press, reduce, ruminate, scrunch, smash, soften, is this the same? Of course not silly, but this is only the way you pronounce Munich which has nothing to do with eating, or has it? Well as soon as the sun comes out in spring and temperatures rise above 15°C (60°F), the inhabitants of Munich flock to the large chestnut gardens, usually seating a few thousand people, and socialise over a litre of beer. Yes, a litre - the one-litre (2 pt) mug is the minimum amount available, and with about 5% of alcohol Bavarian beer is as strong as any European beer, so you had better get home by public transport or walking. However, there is also shandy called "Radler" (lager beer mixed with lemonade) and several sodas available for drivers, or the faint hearted (like me!). Still, you shouldn't be surprised at seeing locals consume several of these litres on a single evening: beer is regarded as a basic part of nutrition in Bavaria, not actually alcohol.The tradition has spread all over Germany, but you won't get the genuine thing anywhere else but in Munich: Biergärten. In earlier times when brewers were desperate to keep their beer cool during the summer, they stored their barrels in cellars and planted chestnut trees above them, since their wide branches and large leaves keep the place nice and shady. King Ludwig I granted the brewers the right to sell their beer on the spot - but not food. Since then, the people of Munich have flocked to these gardens to drink fresh beer straight from the barrel, bringing along their own food. A weekend in Munich is not really good for your belly, as eating and drinking can be a good way to unwind and relax during the hot summer days. For me 2 litres of any drink, let alone alcohol leaves me in search of a "pissenhausen" (my name for the toilet), real name "toiletten". So what was I doing here you may well ask and not such a bad question as it's not everyday you are in Munich. No I was not here for work, although did take my laptop, but was here visiting friends, 2 lots of friends actually. First Ruth and Arif my former Bern neighbours and Mark and Carmen my former Amsterdamer buddies, none of which were native to either of these cities or countries.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why oh Why!

Why does it alway rain when you book time off work?
Why do people go to all the effort of recycling bottles if they leave them in a bag by the bottle bank? Surely the effort was in cleaning them, bagging them up and carrying them to the bottle bank...
Why do people hold a conversation with people behind them yet carry on walking in forward motion? For the poor person walking towards them has no idea which way they are going because their head is facing the wrong way...
Why do girls bend over (either to pick something up or otherwise) and never bend their knees? The sight of a good looking girl is ok, but a big fat arse is not a pleasant sight as it can block out the sun!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Bike, Bikes, Bikes

Not knowing what motorbike I should buy I thought I would try out a few. Not an easy job as they all have certain characteristics I like and dislike. So where does one begin? Well you should start off with one you fancy and go from there. I was not really sure which bike to start with as I like a few and having had mainly sports bikes in the past I really did not want one like this, but rather a 'naked' bike. Yes naked because there are no fairings and pieces of ugly plastic all over it. So naked in effect and you can see the engine and moving parts, which I think looks cool, a real street bike! So what will it be?....no idea! But I have always liked the look and sound of the Ducati Monster. So I checked out to see where the nearest Ducati dealership is in Bern and by chance it is not too far away in Ostermundigen. Having finally found the shop (not so easy) I was impressed by the size of the dealership, not only was there a large selection of Ducati's, but Triumph, Harley Davidson, Buell (never heard of them), Aprilia and many used bikes of various makes. Wow I thought to myself, even more choice and a lot of sexy looking bikes, so picking one will not be easy. Having spend an hour looking around and finding out what a Buell was I narrowed my selection (which was supposed to be 1) to 3 bikes that appealed to me. Firstly the Ducati Monster, then the Buell XB12S and finally the Triumph Triple Speed 1050. more to follow...........................

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Watershed! F**k it!

Well this seems to be the attitude from the music industry...........

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Roses are Red.............

What do you do on a lazy Saturday morning, mm, go shopping in the city with thousands of other people, stay in bed and be really lazy, or enjoy the beautiful sunny weather and sit in the park? Well I opted for the not so lazy and took a walk up to the Rose Garden and sat on the grass relaxing in the sun. Well to be honest I used one of the many free chairs that are scattered around the park, together with a small table and set myself up for a little snooze, and catch some shut eye, or maybe only 40 winks. So in my shorts, top off (oh err) and leaning back on my chair, feet up on the table, balancing (good pilates training), I was all set to fall asleep and catch some sun. After about 30 minutes, whilst getting slightly golden (English red) I was still the only one in this section of the park that was enjoying the sun. Ok, maybe I'm too British sitting out there and yes Mum its not good to sit out in the midday sun, but it was nice. Anyway, the only people in the Rose Garden were tourists, many Japanese taking hundreds of photos, so maybe I'm in a few dozen pictures and a couple getting married using the roses as a beautiful background. Well as I was in a state of not just falling asleep but nearly falling of my chair a young woman (around 20-25 years old) came right over to within 10 feet of me (around 3ish meters if you are metric) and started to undress. Wow, I thought to myself trying even harder not to fall of my chair, putting my toungue back inside my mouth and looking around for her boyfriend to catch her up. Which to my surprise did not happen, so I carried on watching without looking too much like a pervert, but finding it very difficult not to as she was so close you would have thought we were a couple. Anyway to keep you interested she bent over removing her shoes, then unbuckled her belt and removed her jeans, all whilst standing up with her back to me, bending over as if she was a girl in a lap dance bar (you get the picture, well only if you have been in the pussy cat club or some other establishment like that) and slowly removed her jeans, then off with her top she was left standing there just in her underwear. At that point I was nervously looking around for the hidden camera as I've seen these 'Got You!' programs on TV. But no nothing and nobody else in the park sun bathing, so what’s up with this girl doing a private show for me? She then lay down facing away from me; face down, but in a perfect position so I could observe her curves. 'I did try to look away' (I would say to the police), but she was right in front of me, not to the side, but smack in the middle of where I was positioned, so it was only rude of me to ignore her. After a while she got restless and turned over, again smiling at me as she did this. So I can now examine her from the front, again very nice. Well just as I thought this can't possibly get any better she sat up, legs apart, starting checking out those tiny little hairs on the inside of her upper legs. ‘Why do this in front of me?’ I thought to myself, was I dreaming, or am I just a naive foreigner and this is perfectly normal in Switzerland? This continued for 5 minutes or so, and I was tempted to ask her if I could assist her finding the little hairs that would be easier for me to spot from a different angle, but then I thought better of that and kept those dirty thoughts to myself. As we well know all good things come to an end and sure enough she decided to put her clothes back on and go. Not before some young pervert decided to also muscle in on the act and he positioned himself on the other side of her, again so dam close it seemed as if this section of the park area had to be filled up first. I observed him watching her, watching me, watching her, which was all so funny. After she dressed she walked past me and nearly knocked me off my chair and said something like; 'did you enjoy that?' well that's what my German translation book said and then walked away. I then looked over at the guy on the grass and although he was not looking my way I made the sign 1-0 to me! So is this normal? Are all Swiss girls like this or was she just flirting or crazy? But I can't wait until next Saturday!!!! Roses are red, violets are blue, come to the park next week and show me the view.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

No Matter Horn


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Danny's birthday


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Greg's Birthday


Friday, May 11, 2007

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Steed's birthday


Sunday, April 22, 2007


Cycling in Switzerland is fantastic with excellent scenery and plenty of variety, with hills, lakes, forests, you name it you have it all. Well as I have cycled to Thun and back I thought it time to try Murten. As the weekend weather was hot, around 28’ then I thought it was perfect weather for a nice Sunday cycle, accompanied by my buddy Arif. So we set out from Bern, followed the official cycle routes, with the map I bought early, and off we went. We went the village route out on the 34 and returned the river side up the 44, across to the 94 and back on the 8. All in all it was around 60klm and I arrived home knackered, but with a nice sun tan. Here are some pictures of the journey.