Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Supersize me it's Christmas Day!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Don't Tampa with me!

Sunday, November 11, 2007
My kaleidoscopic World

Spinning around inside my head. I can’t make head nor tails what is said. Bringing virtual reality to my bed. I must be dreaming or is it something I have read?
I could not sleep last night after a weeks’ worth of traveling for business and pleasure as I’m too tired to know what is real and what is not. Having slept in a variety of different beds this week I have come to realise that I need my own bed and an undisturbed sleeping pattern. The constant change of environment, the late nights and many things on my mind, I entered my dream world full of useless information that was mixed up and construed into a fantasy world of make believe. Have I gone crazy or is this normal and everyone is experiencing this once asleep, or do I need the men in the white coats to lock me away in a room with padded walls and no windows? Entering a magical world of adventure is also a great and thrilling time, as the impossible becomes possible and reality clashes with virtualness. All barriers are accessible and dimensions of inner unconsciousness mixes with the once normal thought patterns of consciousness now blur my every movement. Well no real physical movement, although the relentless virtual activities which bring me out in a cold sweat and gasping for breath when I suddenly jolt up in bed wondering where the hell I am. I think I will try to unwind and go to bed early, less tired and less stressed, in my own bed and see if this makes a difference, and of course keeping off the cheese before bed time as this also contributes to a restless night. Good night and happy dreams……….
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Spot the difference

PC or not PC that is the question

A load of Baltics
No more heros!

Sunday, October 21, 2007
Do or Di!

Monday, October 15, 2007
Brushing up on my English
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Triumphant Triumph
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Day Trip around Switzerland
Friday, September 07, 2007
Dexys Midnight Runners

The Soup Dragon!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007
28 Weeks Later

Saturday, August 25, 2007
Trains, Planes and Automobiles, plus more...
Sunday, August 19, 2007
What a Day!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
My Monster
Friday, August 17, 2007
Pole to Pole
Sunday, August 12, 2007
"On Her Majesty’s Secret Service"

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Bloomin' lovely
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Bowling tonight
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Your the Apple of my PIE!

Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Parents are back in town
Horsing around!

Sunday, August 05, 2007
I like to ride my bicycle I like to ride my BIKE!
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Muenchen - yum, yum!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Why oh Why!

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Bike, Bikes, Bikes
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Roses are Red.............
What do you do on a lazy Saturday morning, mm, go shopping in the city with thousands of other people, stay in bed and be really lazy, or enjoy the beautiful sunny weather and sit in the park? Well I opted for the not so lazy and took a walk up to the Rose Garden and sat on the grass relaxing in the sun. Well to be honest I used one of the many free chairs that are scattered around the park, together with a small table and set myself up for a little snooze, and catch some shut eye, or maybe only 40 winks. So in my shorts, top off (oh err) and leaning back on my chair, feet up on the table, balancing (good pilates training), I was all set to fall asleep and catch some sun. After about 30 minutes, whilst getting slightly golden (English red) I was still the only one in this section of the park that was enjoying the sun. Ok, maybe I'm too British sitting out there and yes Mum its not good to sit out in the midday sun, but it was nice. Anyway, the only people in the Rose Garden were tourists, many Japanese taking hundreds of photos, so maybe I'm in a few dozen pictures and a couple getting married using the roses as a beautiful background. Well as I was in a state of not just falling asleep but nearly falling of my chair a young woman (around 20-25 years old) came right over to within 10 feet of me (around 3ish meters if you are metric) and started to undress. Wow, I thought to myself trying even harder not to fall of my chair, putting my toungue back inside my mouth and looking around for her boyfriend to catch her up. Which to my surprise did not happen, so I carried on watching without looking too much like a pervert, but finding it very difficult not to as she was so close you would have thought we were a couple. Anyway to keep you interested she bent over removing her shoes, then unbuckled her belt and removed her jeans, all whilst standing up with her back to me, bending over as if she was a girl in a lap dance bar (you get the picture, well only if you have been in the pussy cat club or some other establishment like that) and slowly removed her jeans, then off with her top she was left standing there just in her underwear. At that point I was nervously looking around for the hidden camera as I've seen these 'Got You!' programs on TV. But no nothing and nobody else in the park sun bathing, so what’s up with this girl doing a private show for me? She then lay down facing away from me; face down, but in a perfect position so I could observe her curves. 'I did try to look away' (I would say to the police), but she was right in front of me, not to the side, but smack in the middle of where I was positioned, so it was only rude of me to ignore her. After a while she got restless and turned over, again smiling at me as she did this. So I can now examine her from the front, again very nice. Well just as I thought this can't possibly get any better she sat up, legs apart, starting checking out those tiny little hairs on the inside of her upper legs. ‘Why do this in front of me?’ I thought to myself, was I dreaming, or am I just a naive foreigner and this is perfectly normal in Switzerland? This continued for 5 minutes or so, and I was tempted to ask her if I could assist her finding the little hairs that would be easier for me to spot from a different angle, but then I thought better of that and kept those dirty thoughts to myself. As we well know all good things come to an end and sure enough she decided to put her clothes back on and go. Not before some young pervert decided to also muscle in on the act and he positioned himself on the other side of her, again so dam close it seemed as if this section of the park area had to be filled up first. I observed him watching her, watching me, watching her, which was all so funny. After she dressed she walked past me and nearly knocked me off my chair and said something like; 'did you enjoy that?' well that's what my German translation book said and then walked away. I then looked over at the guy on the grass and although he was not looking my way I made the sign 1-0 to me! So is this normal? Are all Swiss girls like this or was she just flirting or crazy? But I can't wait until next Saturday!!!! Roses are red, violets are blue, come to the park next week and show me the view.