Monday, May 01, 2006

May Day! May Day!

Well as it was a Bank holiday Monday, not sure about in Bern but I took the day off anyway and I promised if Bas was good he could go and see the Bears. So a walk up and around the rose garden and down to the Bear pit, next to the big tourist information centre and the restaurant that brew their own beer. The bears are out from 09:30 until 17:30 so get there early and you see them come out and look for their breakfast, which are apples left by the warden. Well I actually thought he was a bear but it wasn’t. So in one pit are 2 bears, a male and female and in the other pity a 28-year-old male. Apparently bears only live to around 30, so he is knocking on a bit, but did like his apples. I was thinking for the tourists they should get 2 people in a bear costume (before the bears come out or it could get a little messy) start of slowly and then get the apples and start juggling and see how many silly tourists think it’s real. Anyway, a walk through the old city, a coffee in the Cuba Bar and then it was time Bas made his way back to Holland. So a great weekend and fun for all! Question: Why is the distress call on boats, planes, etc. Mayday Mayday??? is it because the first distress call was on the 1st of May? Well for the answer click on this link....

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