Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Swiss Dinner Party

Dinner at Tanja’s! Well what’s all that about you may ask? Well that’s just it, dinner at Tanja’s, not just me but also several other of her friends. Am I a friend, well to be honest, no, I don’t know her at all apart from meeting her outside a shop in Bern Station shopping centre. Don’t ask silly questions, cos I know what you are going to ask. She approached me, yes some things like this do happened to me, and started speaking English. My first thoughts were why is a complete stranger speaking English to me in Bern. Well it’s not so strange as she overheard me in a clothes shop and then asked if I bought anything. (Of course she was in the shop at the same time unless she has very good hearing). So you can image the expression on my face, yes a pretty vacant one at that! But to cut a long story short she works for Swisscom and asked me if I would like to come to a dinner party at her house, so being an English gentleman I gladly accepted and that’s how I’m now writing about this, so I hope all is clear now…. As she lives relatively close to me I walked to her house/apartment, oh yeah not on the same day, as I met her on Sunday and it is now Wednesday, so I hope you are still following me on this? So it was Wednesday evening around 19:30 and I walked to her apartment, easy to find with the Swiss Internet site map. So I’m now there with 3 girls and me, so I’m kinda thinking I’m going be the only guy and foreigner at that. But alas, a couple of other guys turn up and another girl, so in total there were 4 girls and 3 guys, so not so bad. As she has been traveling she wanted to try out her new cuisine, a traditional Indonesian meal. So as we were all-sitting on the floor, we discussed the usual dinner party chat; food, jobs, travel, religion, relationships (not mine), living in Switzerland, etc. All in all a great night and around midnight I walked home with 2 others, as they were going my way. I think they were planning on becoming a couple as they disappeared together once they left me, dirty buggers! Well the funniest thing that still makes me laugh was the journey home. Whilst walking we came across a cat, not unusual as they are nocturnal creatures and will be out at night on the prowl. As we passed this cat sitting on the wall, he (I use he as I was not sure on it’s sex) decided to follow us. So bounding along behind us was this big fat cat. Maybe I should not have made the ‘kissing noises’ to the cat and stroked him, as he did not want to give up his pursuit and kept following for a good 10 minutes. But the very odd thing was when he was stationary his tail was down, but as soon as he lept into forward motion his tail promptly rose and pointed directly up at the stars. Was this a sign, or was this cat a remote controlled cat, (like a spy cat, with a build in camera for night surveillance), or just a very kinky cat that was looking for some action? Well as we reached the point that we all parted in opposite directions the cat walked in to the middle of the main cross roads at Viktoria Platz and sat in the middle of the road. I was now thinking this cat is definitely remote controlled as he was just sitting there watching the traffic and did not seem to be bothered about getting run over. This was so bizarre watching this cat watching us. As if to say, ‘I have you on camera now, so no funny business!’ Well the funny thing was that I pretended I had a remote control device in my hand, you know, the type you use to control a remote controlled car. And as soon as I made the kissing sound to the cat, he stood up and came over to me, at that point I pretended he was remote control as his tail stood right up again, like the antenna, and he moved on my command. This was so strange, as the people in their cars and in the street must have thought this is a robot cat as he moved on command…. Lucky for me he then ran off to bother (spy on some others) and we departed. Maybe this cat was trying out 1 off his 9 lives??? I’m going to go back and get a picture of the cat to prove this was not a dream……

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