Saturday, May 06, 2006

Church today - Saturday afternoon

Today I went to church; yes you've got to believe it I actually went. Well I was invited, so I went to see what all the fuss was about and I actually had a great time, not that I could understand a word that was being said, but I did catch a few words that were familiar. The church, a catholic one at that, was not something I would frequent because I'm not religious, although I did asked for forgiveness for my immoral thoughts and years of misguidance. Marissa actually invited me to meet a Philippine band from Manila who travel around the world performing Vocal concerts. The first part is a religious song, the 2nd part Filipino folk dance and the last Filipino native songs. Well I didn't actually expect to meet them in person, have lunch with them then meet up with them later but it was great. Anyway before I digress let me tell you a little bit about the church and the Holy Communion, as I don’t think I have ever experienced this. So the Priest spoke to everyone, yes in Deutsch, then it was time to sing our first of 4 songs, which was good if you could even read the words let alone understand the tune. Then the Philippine band came on, and this was music to my ears. As soon as the first girls voice let out the first note I was hooked. It was fantastic, I was listening with both ears for a change and could not get enough of this, it was really ‘sole cleansing’ and I felt that all my impure thoughts were ridden from my body, well for an hour or so! The band consisted of 5 men and 5 women and they sang like angles, also accompanied by a sole guitar, which was great. Then more songs back to the sermon and more words of wisdom followed until we got to one I sort of knew. Well it started of with Hallelujah and ended with this and had a few in the middle so I could sing alone. As I was standing in the pews with Marissa, we watched all (well most of) the audience, on command, leave the seated area, and merge in the isle to walk down to the front where the Priest was (dressed in a nice yellow frock) give them all his blessing as the Holy Communion is the body and blood of Jesus Christ given with bread and wine, so all the people were given a round circle of what I think is rice paper on their tongue and some wine to drink. The Priest must have enjoyed his part, as he seemed to consume an awful lot of wine. They were also a baptism during the service, which was quite nice and the baby did not cry. The church is a grand place, with big high walls and nicely decorative with stain glass windows and all. With the modern day microphone and immense hollow in the middle seated area this made for great acoustics. Anyway before I digress further, as I was saying, all these people mainly elderly, well at least 90% were, filtered into single file and made their way down toward the front were the Priest was. But all I could see was the crowd of people disappearing and the picture in my mind was all these old and frail people disappearing out of site through a door one after the other and reemerging from the opposite door as young children walking back to their seats. Quite surreal but very true in a way! So the service finished and I went down the front with Marissa and she introduced me to the band, and as you see I’m sitting with them. We then went off for dinner, in the church, which was great value for only 7 Swiss francs, so I may go again. Each and every member of the band wanted to speak with me, mainly because they don’t speak Deutsch, but did English. As they are traveling they will return after the tour to their full time jobs. Jobs such as a music teacher and Physiotherapist, to name a few. They were very interesting and I complimented them on their singing as it was fantastic and I loved every song. It was so refreshing to hear ‘PURE’ music for a change. After dinner we met up again at the bear pit but it had already gone 17:30 so the bears were in their den. If I get a link to their music and Marissa reminds me of their name then its worth listening to this!

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