Sunday, April 30, 2006

Sunday Sunday

Since Bas (my Dutch friend) has come all the down from Holland to see me, (my only visitor since I moved here 2 months ago), then I promised I would show him a little bit of Switzerland and what makes living here so pleasant! So hold on to your hat as we're off on a journey............. Bas was curious about my picture of Pilatus, so I said we could go there for the day, so we jumped into his Dad’s brand new Volvo S60 (2 weeks old) and went for a nice drive to Luzern, as mount Pilatus is there. The drive was very pleasant, and the views breathtaking and that’s before you get to Luzern. Once in Luzern and when I remembered the bus route (after a detour around the city) we finally arrived at Pilatus and were ready to go up the mountain. The cable car takes about 30 minutes to get to the top and you have to change cable car twice to get to the top. But it was a beautiful day, the sun was out and there was not too many people around, apart from the usually groups of American and Japanese tourists. The American’s are the noisy ones and the Japanese are photo crazy. Well the beautiful weather stopped just before the top of Pilatus so you could not see the top from the last cable car ride and when you arrived at the top you were stuck in a big cloud, so no sun and very cold, but we had made it. So a quick look through the caves (all hand cut) and a great defense for the mountain, as the gun turrets were in these during the first and second world wars. The stalagmites were hanging around everywhere (lazy things, they had nothing else to do) and it was pretty icy. So after a quick look we then went into the restaurant for lunch and I had an ‘Alpine Rosti’, which is the same as the ‘Winzer Rosti’, so this was very enjoyable, yum yum! Well the sun did not break through so we left and went back down, admiring the beautiful view on the decent. Then off to the city (Luzern) and another guided tour for Bas. Luzern is built on a massive lake so this is fantastic for shops, restaurants, and boat trips and of course the medieval bridge. We then had afternoon tea and returned back to Bern. More bars, and drinks then off to bed, yes separate beds, as I’m not that sort of boy!


Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
I am still holding on to my hat! So what happend to the journey??? Did I miss something here...I was looking forward to reading about a fun filled day in Switzerland so I could make mental note of the places I want you to show me when I come out to see you. So..are you just keeping us all in suspense or is it a case of "what happens in Switzerland stays in Switzerland"

James said...

Sorry, I've just been too busy to write it down..
This week is going to be extremely busy so you may have to wait...