Sunday, May 21, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

I have just returned from the movies, my first time in a Swiss cinema (Kino). There are quite a few cinema's in Bern so plenty to choose from, the only thing you have to watch out for is the language, as it can be only in Deutsch, or French, or a combination of both these and English. If the movie is in English then it is normally (not always) shown in English with both Deutsch and French subtitles across the bottom of the screen. 'So what did I see?' you may well ask, well after much publicity I wanted to see the Da Vinci Code, and since I have read the book, and was hooked from page 1, I wanted to see if the movie could grasp my attention in the same way. I went to the Gotthard cinema, which was a very nice one, holding around 400 people and very modern with good seating, sound and picture. Like cinema’s in Holland the usual ‘Pauze” in the middle just as the movie starts to get warmed up. So after around 25 minutes break the movie starts as abruptly as it stopped, and if you haven’t already unwrapped the most noisy bags of sweets, this is your time to do it, followed by coughing and young boy’s giggling and making comments all the way through about the attractive and sexy Miss Sophie Neveu, played by Audrey Tautou. I know she was cute, but come on, not all the way through the movie do you have to wet your pants over her! Tom Hanks played the lead roll as Robert Langdon, which was surprisingly good. Anyway to cut a long story short, actually that’s what they did for the movie, I was slightly disappointed. :-( Having read the book, reluctantly as every man and his dog had already, I thought what’s all the fuss about so I read the bloody book. Well to my astonishment I was hooked from page 1 and had to keep reading this. Fact, Fiction or otherwise the book was full of excitement, drama, edge of the seat stuff, suspense, a little romance and some detail that just was not in the movie. Scores out of 10 for the book, 10 but a reluctant 7 for the movie. If you check out the web, there is so much stuff on the Da Vinci Code and Dan Brown, love it or loathe it, it has really stirred up some questions on religion and the Catholic church in particular.


Anonymous said...

hey Bim,
We haven't seen Da Vinci Code yet, going this week. The book was truly awsome, your right ...a page turner. However, your the second person who's read the book and said the movie was not as good...but isn't that usually the case when they make movies out books. I will give you my comments when I have seen it.

James said...

It had a typical Hollywood ending and not the same as the book!
Several changes where made in the movie, maybe because the film would have been a lot longer if they covered all the detail?? Some effects were good, but Salis who was supposed to be an albino with red eyes was nothing of the sort, he was an attractive (if you like that sort of thing, not me!) guy and not scary at all. Sophie Neveu was a real cutie but didn’t really live up to her part in the book. Also the mystery around Leonardo Da Vinci was only high level and now where near as good as the book. I was not on the edge of my seat, and the movie did not create the effect the book had left on me as I would recommend people read the book but not see the movie.
Anyway this is just my point of view, so I look forward to your! J

Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
Well, I saw the 'Da Vinci Code' over the was a holiday weekend here..Memorial Day was Monday. Anyway, the movie was really good. Yes they did skip parts but then again would have turned into a 4hr. movie if they took everything from the book. Overall I thought it was good...of course reading the book first there were obviously no surprises....and with an imagination like mine...not to mention visiting Europe...everything looked exactly as I had pictured it...including the French cop and the English old boy!! Greg on the other hand had not read the book and I didn't want to tell him the story before he saw it, so it was a bit confusing as he said they kept jumping from scene to scene and it was hard to make out what was going on etc...thought the bit with Silus was good...quite graphic. On a personal note, I do believe that Jesus was a mere mortal and would not be surprised if he has off in Dan Brown's version...who knows..but I'm sure there are off spring out there in the world somewhere....christianity as a religion came about at least 100 years after christ death...a lot could of gone on during that time....

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.