Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Happy Birthday Me!

Yes it's my birthday (and I can cry if I want too, I won't cos), I'm the birthday boy, my Mum would tell me, but I'm a little too old for that, or am I? Anyway, what a party what a night, late September back in 65, what a lady what a night. Okay enough already and yes these are the wrong words to the song but I was born in 1965 so I changed it. So what an adventure it has been, 41 years and still going strong, like an old Morris Oxford (great cars) once round the clock. Yes you have to be English to understand some of my humor or just plain crazy. So what did I do, what did I get up to and do you really want to know? No? Okay, well it all began waking up to my alarm clock, and on my birthday, which is not really a good thing as I was planning to have a late start, but as I had a meeting to go to and not just any ordinary meeting a very important one then this is an exception. Decision time for my next project, will we win this or not? Will I be able to relax next week on holiday or have my ear chewed off? Well we will have to wait until Friday for the decision, so fingers crossed and lets be patient. So once work was finished it was time for a well-deserved drink down in the city, but not before a barrage of emails, sms, voicemails, calls, birthday cards, electronic greeting cards and face-to-face wishes. After we had wetted our appetite we made our way down on the river Aare to my favourite restaurant Schwellenmätteli (try sayng that when you are drunk) for a spot of dinner with some good friends. It’s always handy knowing the Manageress and the staff as you do get preferential treatment. The service, the food, the hospitality and of course my friends made this a very enjoyable evening, so more gossip for those idle tongues. Anyway I shall spare you all the detail and just provide a few pictures for you to make up your own version of events… I’m now looking forward to my next birthday! The girls in the picture (from right to left) are; Monika, Melanie and Linda.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Bim! I'm glad you had a nice birthday...where are the pictures you lazy bugger, put them in! today you are off to the UK because Mummy is baking you a birthday cake. Actually she is probably nipping down the co-op and picking up one on know the 'past sale date' know Mum, can't pass up a good deal! Just cut around the green fury bits and enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

hallo james, ich wünsche dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Besser zu spät als nie.... you are so lucky, you have a signed young boys-shirt!!! the german course will start on october 9th, now we are on holidays... wir sind im Kursbuch A1 auf Seite 26, too easy for you, aber du kannst gerne mal eine Probelektion machen.
by the way: the name of the river in bern is AARE (not aaru)

see you soon.


James said...

My spelling and grammer is not so good as I write in a hurry and make mistakes, so thanks for the corrections I will edit these.

Anonymous said...

I didn't want to point it (grammar and spelling) out earlier as I feared it might stem the creative flow...
but how about a word for the day?

1. To sharpen (e.g. a knife); hone.
2. To make more keen; stimulate: The frying bacon whetted my appetite.

James said...

Dear Anonymous message writer (hiding your identity), yes you are quite right I should check my spelling before publishing, or get myself a proof reader.
I sort of did wet my appetite as I spilt some drink on myself when someone walked past and jolted the table. But yes it’s always best to use the correct words.
Whetted, whetting 1. sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon). 2. excite or stimulate (someone’s desire, interest, or appetite).
Wet 1. cover or touch with liquid.
Are you going to show your identity now?