Saturday, September 23, 2006

Mini Golf (crazy golf)

Today I played mini golf, but if you are English you would refer to this as crazy golf, mainly because each 'hole' requires some element of skill to get the ball in as it has a crazy array of obstacles to navigate before you reach the hole (a bit like a woman!), whoops, that’s a little too rude, sorry... As this was the first time I have played in many years, probably in about 10 years, I thought I was pretty damn good, but obviously not that good as a girl beat me, yes a girl, which is quite surprising. The course has about 18 holes if I remember and the object of the game is to try to get around the course with as few as possible shots, and the winner is the one with the lowest score. Easy, well I thought so, and got off to a good start, squaring up at the first, I made a lovely shot and just missed a hole in one, but managed to get the easy putt to get this in two. So having gone first I was very pleased with my first hole, but to my surprise Dana managed to get a hole in one. So now on the back foot I had to ensure I managed the rest of the course with and average of two per hole. Anyway to cut a long story short, I was pretty consistent throughout and was averaging between two and three per hole apart from two holes that were real bastards and I maxed out on both, which is 4 attempts. The last hole being the worst for me, as you have to get the ball through a very small gap and up a ramp. It actually took me 7 attempts, but after 4 you have no more goes and you are penalized 5 points, so effectively 5 point per hole is the maximum. Well to my surprise Dana got another hole in one and we added up the scores. I thought I would win by at least a point or two as I was very consistent throughout the game, but to my surprise, Dana had 49 points and I had 53, so I was well and truly beaten. I’ll get her next time! Check out the links as this is the actual mini golf centre in Bern and the other is a site I found in England, this is really crazy golf and crazy people as English people don’t play like this normally. The picture is Dana, yes the winner!

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