Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sticks and Stones

I remember when I was at school as a child, yes many years ago, but nevertheless was told that ‘Sticks and Stones may break my bones but names would never hurt me’! So why is it that in today society the slightest misplaced words are deemed blasphemy and religious groups proclaim this is derogatory to their believes and then in return condemn the instigator. I refer to the latest incident when Pope Benedict XVI read out an old (14th century) quote and is now at the brunt of religious controversy. Why is it man can, steal, rape, pillage, destroy, slander, insult, murder, butcher and kill but as soon as any mention of words that have any religious connotations to them, then this insights such hatred that we all have to watch what we say as the context could be misconstrued and used against us. Ignorance is bliss, so they say. How can a quote from a 14th century passage (which was completely misunderstood because you have to listen to the WHOLE 30 minutes speech) create such widespread controversy? This is not a West vs. Islam, it was a mere quote and expression with a deeper meaning. Maybe the Pope should have chosen his words more wisely, but what is worse, when Iran's new president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad created a sense of outrage in the West by describing Israel as a "disgraceful blot" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth"? Was this not a direct threat? I’m sure the Pope did not intend this quote to cause so much trouble, as he is an advocate for world peace and for religious believes be preserved, especially the Catholic Church as the numbers are decreasing. Should we have to bite our tounges and be extremely careful what we say, and God forbid say anything that may be deemed inappropriate and offencive? So what sort of world do we live in and has it surely gone mad? There was another quote I heard which is; "There is Good and Bad in this world and then there is Religion". I’m not an advocate for religion, nor proclaim to know all there is to know about ALL religions (maybe we all need to read the Idiot’s guide to religion as there as so many), so I cannot denounce or promote one over the other, but surely wouldn’t the world be a better and safer place without any??? Or is this a ‘Chicken and Egg’ dilemma, a ‘Catch 22’ problem? Maybe John Lennon is right! IMAGINE…but then he was murdered and all he wanted was a world of Peace!


KaiBlue said...

I couldnt agree with you more. This was well worded, well thought out and honestly presented.
Thankyou. Kai.

Anonymous said...

Hey bim,
I do agree with you in regards to religion.and John Lennons song said it perfectly....Sadly though, the people who react so brutely..In somalia a nun was killed as a result of the popes speach...are the poorest examples of religion. I do feel the Pope, knowing how sensitive the muslim population is (remember the horrible cartoon of the prophet Mohammed..done in very poor taste) should have explained himself better. Afterall the Christian's themselves were notorious in history with their Crusades and the Spanish Inquistion. I just feel Muslims all over are exceptionally sesitive to critisim because of all the bad publicity and terrorst attacks which although committed by Islamic funametalists are by no means true Muslim values. The same way when the IRA were bombing London it would be unfair to say this is true Catholisim. Innocent Muslims all over the world are taking the heat for their fanatic leaders as in Iran or fanatic terroist groups that they are in no way part off. It is sad however that man uses religion to kill, and maime and slander when all religions are meant to be peacfull and spiritual. But again it reminds me of children saying "my dad is tougher than your dad" or "mine is better than yours" Religion is never going to go away and bizarre interpretations of religion wil always be in our midst. The best we can hope for is tollerence and to teach our selfs and futer generations tollerance and acceptance..we are all members of the Human Race and all have the right to be here on Earth!! As far as religion...well it doesn't matter whether you take a plane, bus, bicycle or train as long as you reach your destination!! All modes of 'transportation' should be respected.