Friday, April 14, 2006

very 'Good Friday'

Yes it was a great Friday, the weather was fantastic, warm and sunny and perfect for a good day out. Once I finally decided to get out of bed I looked outside and wow, what a beautiful day, so I thought shall I go back to sleep since it was only 11am or should I actually do something more constructive and get my lazy arse out of bed and enjoy the day. Well as you see I did do something more fun and had a great day. I was speaking with my Swiss customer yesterday (Swisscom Mobile) and asked for ideas on where would be good to see, although most of Switzerland is very worth seeing but I wanted something not too far away and would be a nice day trip. So ‘Grindelwald’ was suggested and I checked it out of the Swiss map and train timetable and thought, well yes! this looks easy to get to and manageable at this time of day. So I called my buddy Marissa to see if she was free and we both had a fun day out, and made sure we breathed in all that lovely fresh air. I actually filled up my water bottle with some extra air to bring back home so I could suck this in later.…………not really, I'm not that silly! Although thinking about it, maybe by default I ended up with some mountain air in my bottle, if I remember something from Archimedes saying the content (such as the water) dispersed is equal to the mass of the (air in this case) filling the bottle, or something like that. So here are some pictures taken today. BTW the train journey is part of the fun as you pass Interlaken on the way, well actually change trains at Interlaken Ost, another place to visit next time. Oh yeah, one thing to watch out for at this time of year, as the snow is melting fast you get avalanches; the sound is like a plane passing above and is fascinating to watch. PS I was hoping to go back to Holland this weekend, but unfortunately did not get the confirmation I was waiting for! :-(


James said...

I have no idea why the pictures are nevr in-line and formatted like they display in the preview. Very strange I will have to play around until I can get the pictures formatted better.

James said...

sorted, all pictures back in-line!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bim,
Switzerland is just beautiful, the back drop of the moutains are incredible, and I'm sure the air is delicious. Very jealous and I think I will plan a trip over there...are Mum and Chunky coming out to see you? Have any of friends or family visited yet?

James said...

Yes Switzerland is great. No one has visited yet, but Liz has booked up and will be here in June..
Maybe Neph will come one day??