Friday, April 21, 2006

Ah, Vienna

I'm finally back from a day trip to Vienna, yes business agian and I'm (excuse my French again) 'shagged', well not literally by very tired non the less. I was up at 5am and got back at 11pm, so a long day with multiple forms of transport. I started with the bus, then train, plane, bus, several taxi's, plane, train and walked a lot. So my feet are aching and I'm off to bed to regain my regular 8 hours sleep pattern, so good night and I will finish this off tomorrow and add some nice pictures. So here are some pictures, this is me at the front of the 4 Gasometers (A, B, C, D) which have been beatuifully restored and converted in a big indoor shopping center and office complex. Trying to find my customer (who was in Gasometer C) was a challenge, but after several phone calls and directions we found them. Well Vienna is quite beautiful, nice people and architecture, not forgetting the music, the musical theatres and you must remember the 'Sound of Music' with Julie Andrews, yes the 'Hills were alive with the song of music' and at the airport the girls in some of the stores wear the traditional costume which is just like Julie Andrews. When you arive at the airport to get into the city it will cost you 35 Euros in a taxi, or you could jump on a shuttle bus for 6 Euros, but this drops you off near the river so still a walk to the centre, but you can then jump on the 'Schottenring' tram. As we (my colleague and I) were only there for the day we did not see too much, well not from a speeding taxi (yes be aware the Austrian are fast drivers), but did manage to go down to the river and found a very nice cafe/bar boat. The picture is my colleague Markus pretending to be working, but really having a drink or 2. Do you remember Ultravox (the band), well the song Vienna is theirs. Maybe you must to have been a teenagers in the 80's to remember them. I actually saw them in concert back in the good old days when they were young. So Austria is nice, similar prices to Switzerland but worth seeing! Before I forget, at the airport on the way home I bought some Amarlua, a wonderful creamy, smooth Baileys like drink. It's yummy so if you ever get the opportunity to taste some try it out.


Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
Sounds like you had a fun filled day in Vienna. I noticed you mentioned Amarula..that's the drink we had in South Africa...I brought back a couple of is delicious. So you had it in Austria??

James said...

Hi Sis, yes I spotted it on special offer at the airport and after a few tasters I felt obliged to have to buy a bottle. It's very nice indeed!! mmmmmm