Sunday, April 16, 2006

Easter Sunday

Although I’m not religious in the traditional sense, I’m not an Atheist either, although Agnostic, yet still like (not necessary believe in) the Pagan traditions and the unity these occasions bring to families around the world. A time to remember we are not alone and have family and friends that care, a time to reflect on your life and think about others for a change. Maybe I should have jumped on a plane and gone to visit close family or friends this weakened, but why should this weekend be different from others and I did see some of my family last weekend, which was great. Any before I start digressing into the realms of religion I will stop here, as this is not my intension, but if you want to find out more see the BBC link in the title and read some of the notice boards, it quite interesting. Here are some pictures to cheer you up! (I'm talking to myself)...I do like Easter bunnies!


Anonymous said...

where did you get this 'naughty' picture? - Mother

James said...

Sorry Mum, but was all in good taste for Easter. A nice pair of bunnies are always welcome!