Saturday, December 02, 2006
Indoor cycling convention
Today was the 'cycling convention' a 5 hour indoor cycling day, basically open to non members of the sports centre also. Well we, Arif and myself arrived early to ensure we got a bike for the first hour. So arriving at 10am we made sure we selected our bikes, adjusted these to suit and placed our towels and drinks bottle on them so we could guarantee we were at least going to do the first hour, starting at 11am. Well the room soon filled up and the 50 bikes were all taken with more people eagerly waiting to participate outside. So the 5 teachers set us off and took turns throughout the 5 hours to lead and give us a taste of their personality, music and endurance. So having completed the first hour, Arif and I decided to go for the next. After a 5 minute break, to change participants and top up our water bottles we were set for the next hour. This continued for 4 hours and although we felt our bodies were now suffering, we thought lets do the final hour. So after an energy bar, a banana, more drinks, we went the final hurdle and completed the 5 hours. This was a massive achievement for us, as we were both suffering after 4 hours, but to show the Swiss that us Brits have the staying power to keep going was worth the suffering. If you check out the link you will see a picture of me taking a well deserved drink. The teachers did not stay the full 5 hours, they changed throughout but all started the first and ended on the last.
Big thanks to Arif for his support and commitment to go the journey. Lance Armstrong eat my shorts! :-)
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Riding holiday - Spain

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Letting one slip!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Today was another sporting day, well not quite how I expected as I played squash for the first time in 2 years and was it tough? Yeah, too right! I played against my friend Monika from the ‘Scwellenmatteli Restaurant’ and she beat me! Not just once, or twice but I think it was 4 times in a row, but as I started to improve the games got closer and then I won the last game. So she better watch out cos I’m starting to find my form again. Next time I will take the blind fold off!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Exercise Exercise Exercise
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Keeping Fit!
Today I ventured out in the cold (it was bloody freezing today) and went along to a relatively new sports centre to enquire about joining. The good thing is it is pretty close, only about 10 minutes cycle away and in the Stade de Suisse national football stadium in Wankdorf. I went with Arif, my fellow British neighbour from the lovely loft apartment upstairs from me. Once we arrived I was only too pleased to get inside the 'Arena-fitness' as it was cold outside and the staff were very friendly and the ambiance and equipment was great, which soon warmed me up. So after a guided tour (thanks Arif), and a free 'Spinning' class and sweating a few pints (whoops, liters! sorry we are metric here) I was suitably impressed enough to join.
So I'm off for my offical induction tomorrow, so I will tell you more then.. good night!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Leeds United vs Southend United
Football, football, football! Well as I was in the UK and with my brother and nephew from the States (New York), then we had to go and show him the 'beautiful game' so he could learn that this is real 'Football' the game you use your foot! And not the American version that wear so much body amour you wonder what on earth they are playing, so please don't insult us and call this 'Soccer' which again is the wrong word, after all the English invented Football!
Anyway before we go off on a tangent and discuss them and us, lets get back to the game in hand. This was the first time Michael had the pleasure to go to an English football game and as this was local to my brother Andy's place, then Leeds it was. The game was an important one as this was the 3rd round of the Carling Cup and a game Leeds needed to win. But this was not to be, and they lost miserably 2-0 against Southend United, 'who you may say,' well exactly. And would you believe it, the very next game Leeds had to play was Southend as a normal league game, and with their new Coach 'Denis Wise' 5' 4" ex Wimbledon man, they only went and beat them 2-0. It's a funny old game!!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Noise Annoys, did your Mama ever tell you noise annoys?

Friday, October 20, 2006
Al today Gore tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Funny moments!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Croatia 2-0 England
Paul Robinson was left embarrassed as England crashed to a dismal defeat against Croatia in the Euro 2008 qualifier in Zagreb. Eduardo's header had given Croatia a deserved 61st-minute lead before keeper Robinson was involved in a nightmare moment eight minutes later. Gary Neville's back-pass struck a divot as Robinson went to clear, and he watched in agony as the ball rolled in. Robinson had previously produced a string of saves to keep Croatia at bay. This was yet another terrible performance from England and would bringing back Beckham make any difference, or should the whole team be replaced?
Saturday, October 07, 2006
England vs Macedonia
Brighton, Hove and Worthing

Friday, October 06, 2006
Curry night
Graffiti, love it or loath it!

Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Windy City! Peacehaven

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Donating Blood & Keeping Fit
Do the two go together? Hmm, well I think so! Why, well because you can get rid of some old blood, rejuvenate yourself (similar to an oil change in a car) , replenish your blood levels, a health check to make sure you don't have any deadly illness and then like me you can go off to a keep fit class. Well not actually something you should do after giving blood as your body fluid levels are low and to sweat even more of them out is probably not a good thing. But as I have not been to this 'Keep Fit' class for nearly 10 years (since I last lived here), then it was nice to see some old faces. Quite old faces at that, as Wednesday night's keep fit class (followed by football), has been running for around 30 years now. The oldest person (back-heal Mick, also known as West Ham Mick), is 70 years old, so I still think I'm still the youngest there. So after the usual stretches, running, bench presses, squat thrusts, sit ups, etc, then it's time for football, which is always the best part. This all takes place in-doors, at Seaford Head school in the colder winter months (6 months) and then outside on the grass for the summer months. So after 1.5 hours of exercise it's time to drive to the pub (the White Lion in Seaford) to replenish your body fluids.. As we always share the driving (well not me this time), then the driver has to observe the law and not drink too much, where as the others can indulge a little more. So with some exercise and a catch up session on what's new down the pub with some really old friends was great fun.....Oh and not forgetting giving some blood can safe someone’s life, so if you feel you would like a free health check and do something good then pop along to the blood donor sessions. Actually you can now give blood 3 times a year so I'm still on target for 100 donations before I'm 70 years old as you have to stop then. I'm currently at 34 donations so have a fare way to go, and will switch to donating in Switzerland, if it's possible. If you have a blood group like mine, OR Negative then you are a universal donor and can give blood to anybody, but only receive your own back.....I'm off to have another drink, cheers and good night!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Fish Factory

Monday, October 02, 2006
Friends and Family