Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Letting one slip!

Letting one slip can be an embarrassing moment and not one you wish to remember or to be reminded of, but for me this was such a funny moment. Well it all started at another Pilates class, you know; The Pilates Method represents a unique approach to exercise that develops body awareness, improving and changing the body's postural and alignment habits and increasing flexibility and ease of movement. Well the ease of movement obviously worked! I can gladly say it ‘was not me!’ So what happened I hear you say? Well about 3 quarters the way through the class, after a lot of controlled breathing and leg and arm movement it was time to do some back rolls, with you legs raised and knees bent and controlled rolling back and forth on your back, stretching out your arms then legs and rolling back into a ball. Well with a class of 97% girls I can vouch that this was not a guy! What? Okay, well as we were all rolling back and forth you have to watch out with this movement that you don’t release something else. For me I’m clenching my butt cheeks as I roll, which makes this doubly hard but quite manageable with the right control. Little can I say for one of the girl’s that let out an enormous fart, so long and loud the room shook and I felt the reverberating tremor shock wave across the floor. Wow, what a whopper I thought and collapsed to the floor trying hard not to burst out laughing. I looked around and nobody reacted, which surprised me, as I found this unbelievable and faught hard to stop myself laughing. Luckily for me I was at the back of the class so I could pull my t-shirt over my face and roll up into a ball and try the heavy breathing technique to calm myself down. As the class continued, I struggled to compose myself and carry on, as my whole body was now limp and my breathing all out of sync. Anyway the class came to an end and we packed up the mats and equipment and we all left the room. Once outside, my buddy Arif said, did you hear that fart? At that point this confirmed it was not a squeaky floor mat on the wooden floor but a real bottom blast and I just pissed (not literally), myself laughing so much so I had tears rolling down my face and I felt weak and rubbery, as if someone had removed all my bones and I could not support myself anymore. Well after a shower and several hours later I had recovered, but I do feel sorry for the girl. I can just image she goes to work afterwards and tells her friends and says, you wouldn't believe what happened in my Pilates class, but then again she is not English so would not have seen the funny side and the amusement was only for me! I can’t wait for the next class, and I surely will keep off the Beans the night before!!!


James said...

Was this story too funny to comment on, or too rude???

Anonymous said...

Well it is rude but then to be expected from you. Actually it was rather funny but I feel sorry for the poor girl who had to suffer knowing two immature school boys find her fart that amusing. Depending on her self confidence and attitide she will either skip next weeks class or come to class and fart even louder!!!!

Anonymous said...

James, you are obsessed with 'farts'.

You'll be telling us that the horses kept farting on your Spanish pony trek next!!

James said...

Thanks John, but this was not a pony trek but the real thing with big horses and yes they do 'blow off' a few times, but it's no so funny unless you are standing directly behind them lighting a match, then take cover!