Friday, October 20, 2006

Al today Gore tomorrow!

I have just arrived home from a night at the movies (I say movies cos it was an American film), and I was quite shocked by what I saw. Having looked through the local “What’s on guide,” my friend and I decided to see what English speaking films were showing and ended up selecting AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH, staring Al Gore! Al who, you may say, wasn’t he the ‘would be president?’ Well actually he should have been the president of the United States of America hadn’t it been for some very dodgy going on’s in Florida, but then this is another story, well probably one you already know if you saw the “controversial” movie; Fahrenheit 9/11. Anyway lets get back on track, as I normally say when I find myself going off on a tangent and digressing away from the topic in hand. So what was the movie all about, you may ask? Well before I go into all the detail (as it’s better described on the web link), I will give you the very highlights and you can read the rest for yourself. So basically the movie was a documented summary (otherwise we would have been in the cinema for days), to highlight the Greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2 levels) emitted, especially by the America people. Al Gore was the presenter, although also studies the effect of the world’s population and the lifestyles that contribute to Global Warming. After all the most dangerous threat to our planet, besides a nuclear war, is all the crap we pump into the atmosphere on a daily basis. Millions upon millions of tones of greenhouse gases, which are being trapped inside the earths atmosphere that cannot escape, therefore building up and creating an ecological climate change that is already effecting wild life, the weather and causing widespread disasters. We all see the daily effects of this on the news, but we don’t seem to associate this to the rubbish we are pumping into the atmosphere, hiding behind the skeptics (not the scientists), and we say, ‘What wonderful weather we are having for this time of year, it’s very nice I don’t need to wear my jacket!’ Forgetting that where there is an action then there must be a reaction, after all, one cannot work without the other. So for all the lovely warm weather we are having in the autumn months, what is happening elsewhere? Well as I said you only have to read the paper, or watch the TV news. Here are a few examples; widespread continental droughts, (although the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets are melting), excessive amounts of rainfall and flooding, mud slides, tornados, hurricanes, freezing winters, baking hot summers, etc, etc… Not forgetting the other man-made disasters, such as; systematic destroying of the rainforests, land filled sites, sea dumping, oil spillages, etc, etc. Basically we are a throwaway society and if something is out-of-sight, then it’s out-of-mind and we really don’t care! Well we better wake up and ‘smell the coffee’ as this problem will just not go away, and will not stop, a bit like the Terminator in the movie. But there is hope, we can rebuild (like the 6 million dollar man), and stop this ticking time bomb if we all make a conscious effort to reduce our own pollutions and change some bad habits (mine included). If the governments got tough and really made a conscious effort to help educate people on their bad behaviors and concentrate on greener more friendly energies. Anyway, before I waffle on and on, go and see the movie and make up you own mind, after all this is only my point of view! BTW I don’t drive a car in Switzerland, I use public transport, cycle or walk, so this is part of my contribution and I wear my underpants inside out every other day, so can get an extra day’s use, thus saving on the washing and detergents!

1 comment:

Yas-mini-mini said...

Very deep, and I guess spot on.

The problem is that 'people' tend to think that their little contribution will make no difference. They think, what is the point, because America, India, China etc will all continue to pump out the waste products anyway. And who can blame them really, when the 'West' has had 200 years of doing to same to establish their economies and position.

Bottom line - everything has to go electric, and electric has to be made with Nuclear Power! What to do with the waste - establish a worldwide organisation (like Nuclear UN ??) which handles and processes all the nuclear waste. Where to put it all - it has to stay on or in the planet - so start digging now and create a HUGE cavern 5 kilometres in the Earths Crust, in the middle of Australia, Siberia and Greenland!! Dump all the waste in there and hope it doesn't keep reacting.
That's what my Dad says anyway.