Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Donating Blood & Keeping Fit

Do the two go together? Hmm, well I think so! Why, well because you can get rid of some old blood, rejuvenate yourself (similar to an oil change in a car) , replenish your blood levels, a health check to make sure you don't have any deadly illness and then like me you can go off to a keep fit class. Well not actually something you should do after giving blood as your body fluid levels are low and to sweat even more of them out is probably not a good thing. But as I have not been to this 'Keep Fit' class for nearly 10 years (since I last lived here), then it was nice to see some old faces. Quite old faces at that, as Wednesday night's keep fit class (followed by football), has been running for around 30 years now. The oldest person (back-heal Mick, also known as West Ham Mick), is 70 years old, so I still think I'm still the youngest there. So after the usual stretches, running, bench presses, squat thrusts, sit ups, etc, then it's time for football, which is always the best part. This all takes place in-doors, at Seaford Head school in the colder winter months (6 months) and then outside on the grass for the summer months. So after 1.5 hours of exercise it's time to drive to the pub (the White Lion in Seaford) to replenish your body fluids.. As we always share the driving (well not me this time), then the driver has to observe the law and not drink too much, where as the others can indulge a little more. So with some exercise and a catch up session on what's new down the pub with some really old friends was great fun.....Oh and not forgetting giving some blood can safe someone’s life, so if you feel you would like a free health check and do something good then pop along to the blood donor sessions. Actually you can now give blood 3 times a year so I'm still on target for 100 donations before I'm 70 years old as you have to stop then. I'm currently at 34 donations so have a fare way to go, and will switch to donating in Switzerland, if it's possible. If you have a blood group like mine, OR Negative then you are a universal donor and can give blood to anybody, but only receive your own back.....I'm off to have another drink, cheers and good night!

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