Friday, October 06, 2006

Curry night

Have you ever fancied a curry; well for me England is the place to have one. Having lived abroad I always look forward to the number 1 top English food, yes a curry. Never hurry a curry, I say! English curries are made especially for the English palette and you can not get them anywhere else in the world quite the same (well not that I have found). I was picked up by my very good friend Darren, (who I have not seen for a couple of years, so this will have to change as the years are flying by now and we are not getting any younger) and we then went around to his parent who were waiting there with his new wife and daughter to see me. It’s always great catching up with friends and their families, especially after a number of years, so this was quite special. As we drove into his parent’s driveway, I had a flash of déjà vu and felt this was 20 years ago when we both worked as engineers for BT and arrived back at his parent’s house for lunch. It’s really strange how time and the years fly by and before you know it you wake up and you are a lot older. Actually it is frightening because the memories are so vivid that it does not seem so long ago, but then I think once you get over 30, the time appears to speed up even quicker. So get out there and seize the day, don’t waste it, and don’t put things off for tomorrow, as we all know tomorrow never comes! Anyway before I go all nostalgic and venture off down memory lane I went out for dinner (at a new curry house in Rottindean called ‘Sea of Spice’), where we (Darren, Caroline and myself) indulged in a great curry. Mine was a Chicken Dansak, quite a hot curry, which has a gruesome after affect, so everyone will have to stay well clear of me for the next couple of days, or wear a gas mask! It was great to catch up on old times with Darren and to also meet his beautiful and charming wife Caroline. Here is a picture of the family.

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