Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Funny moments!

I was just surfing through other people’s blog's when I inadvertently came across a very funny story, well I thought it was anyway, so I have attached the link so you can read it also. The story that caught my eye is; “Sitting near people who fart” and don’t ask me how or why I found this as it was purely an accident, but so damn funny I thought I would share this and add my own experience, well not quite my mine own personal experience but a situation I was in that left me traumatized for years, and when I still recall the incident I can't help but laugh. Over the years I have shared this with numerous friends and family, and we can still get a great laugh from it today, nearly 18 years from conception and it is as fresh (well not that fresh anymore) in my mind as it was then. Okay I will get on with the story, but you have to remember telling a good story and writing it down is never the same as verbally, so you may loose some of the fun and excitement, but nevertheless let me try and capture that moment and very fond memory. I was sort of between jobs at 23, so took a job as a delivery driver for a large electrical retail store in Brighton. A job between jobs you might say, while I was trying to find out what the hell I’m going to do with my life and ended up doing this, although I still think that in my current job aswell. Well as a delivery driver I often had to maneuver a large truck and a heavy cargo through the back streets of Brighton and on Saturday's it was never easy on your own, so I happened to have a ‘driver's mate’ to assist me, especially with carrying bloody heavy washing machines (the combination washer and tumble dryer) which were the worst, usually to the top floor apartments with no elevator and the narrowest of staircases. Anyway we digress, so lets get back on track. So it was one of those warm summer Saturday mornings when we had a delivery that changed our lives and has scared me with an inprint that may never dissapear. Having unloaded a washing machine from the back of the truck and carried into a very large open plan kitchen, the lady of the house asked if we would mind un-boxing it to make sure there was no damage. Normally we don’t, but as she asked nicely then we thought this is not a problem and we set about un-boxing the electrical appliance. Before I forget (the key part to the story), the woman had a young daughter, about 12 years old and a little tubby to say the least. So whilst my buddy and I set about removing the machine from the box (one opposite the other), in a room that besides the noise of us removing the box, was in fact deadly silent, because they were waiting with great anticipation of this lovely new washing machine. When all of a sudden, out of nowhere, there was a thunderous rasp, a bellowing clap, a rip-roaring firecracker of a fart I ever did hear, that shook the house. I looked up at my buddy, him at me, we both turned to the mother and daughter and then back to each other, our eyes filling up with tears and our cheeks about to explode. But no!, we managed with great effort, and a lot of lip biting, to hold back from collapsing to the floor in uncontrollable laughter. We struggled on for a few minutes, trying desperately hard not to make eye contact with each other, although letting out the odd little hiss and giggle every so often, but we managed to hold back and retain ourselves. We were both about to burst, our cheeks were at full pressure, our legs just able to hold our bodies in a semi upright position, and we so badly wanted to get the hell out of there with the empty box and paperwork signed so we could finally let it all out. But no!, we were not given this opportunity as the culprit, the 12 years old girl, only had to apologies and say she was sorry, actually saying "excuse me!" This was the icing on the cake, the pièce de ré‧sis‧tance, for at that moment of honesty, I could no longer hold my composure and burst out laughing, so much so that I could not stand up anymore. My legs went to jelly and I slumped over the nice new washing machine (trying to get in and hide, would have been better), eyes filled with tears and in uncontrollable laughter. My buddy grabbed the empty box and made a beeline for the door, also in uncontrollable fits of laughter, weaving through the kitchen as if he was drunk to the door and leaving me to get the paperwork signed. Once I finally picked myself up from the floor and managed to walk over to the woman, although somewhat shaky and eyes filled with tears, I was just about to open my mouth and ask her to sign the paperwork for her lovely new washing machine, she had to apologies for her daughters disgusting behavior. At that point I musterd up enough voice, although blurting this out, to say something like, “oh it’s fine, no problem” before I burst out laughing again. She signed, I left and the rest is history, so they say. But all that day and for weeks to follow I could not get the sound of that wonderful fart out of my head, but the funniest thing was, we would have both managed to get outside of her house, home free to laugh, had the daughter not apologized. I know this is a very silly adolescent story, but if you were there I’m sure you would have enjoyed it as much as us! When we finally finished the day's work we went back to the office to tell our colleagues about our adventurous day and you can image what it was like trying to tell such a story.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is all too funny how as adults we still pee ourselves laughing at a good fart story! Well, I guess we all have them. I used to go into the local newsagents on the corner of where I live. The owner was a good-looking man and very friendly so of course I would chat with him and 'get my flirt on'. I went into the shop almost daily and one day I was in there - it was just me and him - we were chatting up a storm, I was acting all coy and flirting thinking 'I know he likes me'. I felt a sneeze coming on...big deal I hear you say..well let me tell you, it was a bloody big deal...it was accompanied by the loudest most thunderous booming fart you ever heard!!!! All I remember is running out of there at top speed leaving my change on the counter. I couldn't bring myself to laugh it off, not this one, not that sound, not after I had flirted with the man..I just bolted! It took me 7 years to return to the shop and only because there are new owners!