Saturday, September 08, 2007

Day Trip around Switzerland

Another early start and late finish, will I ever get to sleep in and be lazy, or should I say more lazy than usual.. Well it was worth it, a very enjoyable day out with my old buddies from the Philippine community. A bus full of crazy Philippina housewife's, tonnes of food, singing, bad jokes and me! From the start to the finish we never seemed to stop eating, there must have been enough food to feed the 3rd world and I think I ate half of it. Not good for my fitness program and to shed a few kilos, but then it's not everyday and I can enjoy and indulge once in a while.
It was organized by the Samahang Philipina Bern group and this was their annual Excursion and my second. So where did we go? Well we started off from Bern and our first stop was Aarau, then onto Lenzburg castle, the Cloister Church in Muri, Lucerne, then on to Fortress Furigen (Swiss Army historic museum built into the mountain), and then a scenic round trip along the lakes (the Golden pass train route) towards Brienz, Interlaken, Thun and back to Bern. So all in all a very enjoyable day and some beautiful places we stopped off at on the way. I have probably missed the names of a few as we made so many stopped I was never sure where we were. I look forward to next years!

Friday, September 07, 2007

Dexys Midnight Runners

Today I was rudely woken by what first appeared to be Dexys Midnight Runners, well if you know them you must be as old as I. Well it wasn’t quite them ringing on my door at 8 in the morning, it was the plumbers. What are the plumbers doing so bloody early in the morning disturbing you from your sleep I hear you say? Well there was a notice in everyone’s mailbox to advise us that they would be in and out off people's apartments today as they are renewing the hot water boiler system for the heating. And yes I think we will need it pretty soon as it’s getting a little chilly in the evenings. Anyway it wasn’t Dexy and her Midnight Runners, no not at all, but the initial appearance through sleepy eyes, bad hair and just my underpants (not that I sleep in my underpants but had to pull on something quick -oh err!), I thought I was being dragged off into the back of a van, you know like one of those TV contests, and I would have to sing in a band and wear dodgy baggy Dungarees covered in paint and stuff.

The Soup Dragon!

Do you remember the 'Soup Dragon' from children's TV back in the 70's? Well if you do you must be as old as I, so check out the link if you don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Well I was not really going to talk about children's TV but I was reminded by this when I started to make soup. Yes I can make my own and I love to experiment with vegetable soup. So here are my ingredients for a cold Autumn night; Leeks, onions, garlic, red chilly pepper (be careful cos I put 2 whole ones in and cut them open, big mistake as the soup was red hot), potatoes (slided), vegetable stock, basil leaves, baby whole mushrooms, cauliflower (chopped) and some salt, pepper, ginger and herbs. Then I left it in a big pot on a slow cook and stunk the whole apartment with the aroma of vegetable soup, which reminded me of the Soup Dragon. Yes I'm strange but some silly things trigger off memories.....Oh, the soup lasted a few days and was fantastic, well a bit too hot, so no cut open chillies next time.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


SYPOBA! What the hell am I talking about? Well try it and see. As I try to keep in a little bit of shape I often try new sports activities and at my fitness center there are always opportunities to try something new. So having done a bit of Pilates, which is improving every time I go, well I think so! I was asked if I would like to try SYPOBA, yes easy for you to say, but I still can not get my tongue around the pronunciation. So what is it? Well it's kind of balancing on a piece of wood and not just standing still but whilst balancing trying not to touch the floor with either side of the wood you are standing on, bend over touch your toes, twist your position and a load of impossible maneuvers. So today was my first class and I thought I would be smart and not join the beginners but the advances class. Big mistake as these guys all knew how to balance and move without any problems. But for me it was good and for my first killer lesson I manged to stay balanced no problem and even successfully moved around. It's great fun, very hard work and I was sweating like a fat boy when the class finally came to an end. One hour of this is very tough, so go and have a go 'if you think you are hard enough!'

Saturday, September 01, 2007

28 Weeks Later

This movie should have been called 28 minutes later because that is the most that you can possibly tolerate. The whole movie was a load of rubbish and I wonder why I ever went to see it. A British/American film, where a virus infects the population of Britain and the Americans (as usual) come to the rescue. A very poor plot, and really not worth sitting through, maybe 28 minutes would have been more appropriate, but I think that is even too long to endure. Take my advice and don't go and see it, spend you money on something better or even waste it somewhere but not on this movie!! Oh yeah, the best thing about the movie was the beautiful Emily Beecham, with her piercing blue eyes and good looks. But maybe she also turns into a 'zombie like' virus killing machine, so maybe you shouldn't kiss her either. Oh yeah, forgot to mention the virus can be passed on with a kiss. Maybe the whole plot was to symbolise the dangers of unprotected sex?? mm, maybe not, but I still don't know why they made such a weak and crappy film with some good actors.