Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Child Perception!

Do you believe children can perceive things we can’t? Well I do! Children seem to sense and feel when there is a problem. Maybe not all, but definitely some, and from my own experience I can say I have felt this. It’s kind of spooky, so be careful around some children that have this extra sense which we seem to have lost growing up, and I have several personal experiences (but I will spare you the details), as they know you better than you think!


Anonymous said...

Your right children are very perceptive. They are not bogged down with all the drama and stress of life like adults are..Their little minds are pure and as in animals they are very receptive to who generally likes them and who is a threat and children that have lived through trauma are highly sensitive to their surroundings and their intuition is very sharp, and it does carry through to adult hood.

James said...

One experience not so long ago I was feeling a bit down and a woman at the sports centre had her baby with her and was very cute and quiet until one look at me and it burst into tears. I can imagine why (not because of my looks), but because the baby could sense I had problems and did not want to be around me, which is very true!