Sunday, March 26, 2006

Spring forward

Guten Morgen, well it was until I relised that the clocks go forward and it's actually 1 hour later so I'm even later getting up than normal. But the good news is I spoke with Shi on the phone yesterday and managed to use the code words, which if all 4 words were mentioned, then he had some more VIP tickets for todays game. Well it worked, not as easy as I thought, but Shi, James, Tickets and Hotel, meant that he wanted me to go to the hotel and pick up the tickets. It's a pitty there was only 2 as I sort of feel a little guilty going twice. So as promised (this is now on record) if I get 2 more VIP tickets for future games, then these will go to Marc my Deutsch teacher as he is a Berner and a true long term supporter, not like me! Although I could be, but I can not claim this after 2 weeks....I know that others reading this who also support YB's would like tickets, well I shall take this into account without making it too difficult for Shi, as he is cool guy and I don't want to spoil the kindness he is showing. The weather today was fantastic, Spring has really sprung, it was at least 16' degrees and no wind at all, actually dead calm. So I thought I would go for a run as I haven't for a while. A nice run down by the river would be good for me. So I put my running stuff on and went down around the 'Rose Garden' towards the river, along one side, crossed over down the other and back again, but this time I stopped at the stairs at the Kursaal (Kornhause) bridge and tried the steps, but these nearly killed me, so I walked up them and home from then onwards, thinking I'm going to have a heart attack. Then off to football as there was a 16:15 kick-off, so a quick shower then I was on my way to meet my buddie Marissa. This time we both had VIP tickets and we sort off new the routine, so as we approached the VIP enterance the doors opened and in we went. As this was a more popular game, YB's again Zurich, we had to wear our wrist bands, the type that once on you can not take off as you will distroy the sticky strip. I asked at the reception on the 3rd floor, what the format is and what's what and what can we do. We were told that the VIP YBs table is the one we use, and we could basically help ourselves to anything we wanted, food, drinks, programmes, whatever. So I thought since I have not spent a single cent I should at least buy a scarf, so I can be a proper supporter. So I now have a nice YB's scarf. I shall not wear this in the UK as I could get arrested for supporting Young Boys! Well the game was not so good for the YB's as they lost 2-0, and after dominating the game they lost by 2 silly goals. The first one was a great cross into the box and was nicely picked up by the Zurich player and he scored. Several mistakes there, the cross should have been intercepted, and the player taking the shot should have been better marked. Bad defence caused this one and it was pretty evident. The second goal was simular, as YB's had a free kick up in the Zurich half and did not make the most of this, but instead left themselves wide open at the back. And sure enough the ball was cleared by Zurich, the defence played an early ball straight up to the stricker and he ran from the half way line to the goal completely unmarked, and then was presented with a one to one with the goal keeper, who hesitated and then came out, leaving a possible shot over him or to one side. Well this worked and Zurich played the easy shot to the left hand side of the goal keeper , placing an nice sweet shot (on target) straight into the goal. Once again bad defending and a bad judgement for the goal keeper. He was stuck in two minds and this was his error. As I said YB's played the better football overall, but the result is the 'icing on the cake'. They had more shots, but 1 in 4 actulaly went towards the goal, the others way off the mark. The corners were very simular, as they did not appear to use any set play and it was more hit and hope. Sorry guys, you could and should have won, but defensive errors, and bad shooting was the name of the game. BTW, Shi came on after the first goal around 80 minutes, so played for 15 miutes in total. I personally thought he should have come on from the start, as he is probably the tallest player and the Zurich defence would have seen this threat as they looked shorter, and if this did not work replace him after the first half. Moral of the story, do not let a single stricker lose, stick to him like glue and if a cross comes in mark the sole player that causes the threat. Also practice your 'bloody shooting!' Here are some picture. Pictures from top left are; the outside of the 'Wankdorf' stadium, after the first goal, at the end when people started leaving, Marissa taking it easy in the VIP area, me with my scarf and in the back ground you will see the President of YB's and his wife. I tried getting some tickets off him for the Swisscom Cup final against Sion, but he said it is already sold out! What a pity :-(( but I should have dinner with him and his wife sometime and talk team tactics! For future reference, arrive at the stadium at least 2 hours before the game, eat drink and get merry, then watch the game through your blured vision, eat more at half time, use the lovely clean toilets, mingle, chat with everyone, watch the second half, then stay in the VIP lounge for another 2 hours, mix with the VIP's, the players and their families, drink and eat some more then try and remember your way home....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
Sounds like you are having a great time watching and describing in detail your football matches. I on the other hand got last after the word football, I would love to hear more about the people you meet and the fun places you go to..and more about everyday life in Switzerland. I know you are off to Vegas soon..lucky bugger! Well, thats all for now, I check your blogger everday and love reading about my little brother..