Friday, March 24, 2006

So what's new today?

Well, it's actually 1:05 in the morning so I'm off to bed. I'm sure today, once I get out of bed, will be another eventful day, as today is school and more Deutsch lessons. Oh, before I forget I better remember to do my homework so I know what we are talking about in the class. Also catch up with Shi Jun, who played for 85 minutes on Wednesday against Schaffhausen. The score was 1-1 and 2 YB players we sent off with red cards, lucky for me is wasn't Shi. I will try and get some more VIP tickets for Sunday's home game....good night! Ok, I'm back. What a day, it has rained most of the day, maybe a good sign that the weather is getting warmer as the tables were out in the squares last week. Anyway, I noticed I have 2 comments today, one being a mysterious person leaving a message in Deutsch. So the answer to your questions is: "Blick und Sie sehen! Versuchen Sie den Archivabschnitt und beginnen Sie am Begining". Just a quick note to everyone reading this, please use the 'Archive' button on the right hand side if you want to go to the very start as this current page will not scroll down that far as it automatically archives to save space. Ich spreche kaum Deutsch, warum, wegen ist schwierig! Mein Deutsch ist sclecht, so neit lachen Sie! It's strange being back at school trying to learn a new language, and as you get older it is more difficult as you tend to compare rather than absord. Also with some Nederlands I thought I would have an advantage, but I'm now mixing them together, saying nay instead of nein, but then I thought this was just me, but at least 50% of the class keep saying nay, which is strange and makes me laugh. Anyway the class is cool and has a variety of students from all over the world and some really nice people. The funny thing is, as most of the students speak their own language we have to speak our bad Deutsch to try and have a conversation, which is good if you want to know their name, phone number, address, marital status, and where they come from. But if you want to know more about your buddies, then you both need to study the next chapter. I found sign language helps, especially with Shi, as I wanted to tell him I'm his number 1 fan and I would like some more VIP tickets to the game on Sunday when they play against Zurich, and that the coach of YB's should have me to a training session. I think it worked as he said he will call me in the morning to let me know if he has more tickets, which I thought great, but then I thought how will he tell me this as we don't speak the same language and my Chinese is not very good, and I'm sure sign language will not work over the phone. So I said to him just use a few key words and we will be ok. The key words are James, Shi, tickets and hotel. This will translate to; its me Shi, get your butt down to the hotel tomorrow I have got you some tickets for Sundays game! I'm keeping my finger crossed that everything goes to plan.....Ok, I'm off now, signing out for today and will let you know the out come tomorrow, which is actually today if you look at the time, whoops, you can not see the same time as me, you get the first message time as I added to this! Gute Nacht...


Ste said...

Ab wann erscheint dieser Blog auf Deutsch?

Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
We just finished re-siding the house and it looks beautiful. You wouldn't recognize the house. Anyway I will email you some pics.
Good your doing your Deutch homework..and enjoying class...are you bringing an apple for the teacher? Catch up with you later.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy, I must say I am well impressed junger mann! It sounds like all is going very well. I'm in lovely Bad Aibling (near Munich) this weekend with even lovelier Carmen! I'll drop you a line later! Mark.

Anonymous said...

Mein lieber James, ich bin froh, dass es Dir gut geht! Und dass du Deutsch lernst-ich weiß es ist eine sehr schwere Sprache! Ich bin mir sicher dass Du bald alle Mädels mit Deinem charmanten Akzent um den Finger wicklen wirst (well, that´s a difficult one, but I am sure you can discuss about the translation in class!). Lass es Dir gutgehen und ein schönes Wochenende, Deine Carmen