Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Pilatus - Switzerland

The summit of Mount Pilatus is 2132m (7000ft) and you need to take 2 cable cars to reach the point where this picture was taken. Then if you are brave and would like to walk up the steps to the summit, then this is very worthwhile as the views are breathtaking. I was up there in the winter, as you see by the timestamp on the picture, and it was bloody cold! So wrap up warm if you plan to go to the top. :-) It's a pity it was a cloudy day as we could not see through the clouds, but this is also magnificent to see. Then get down the steps before you freeze and have a nice warming 'glug wien' to put the colour back in your cheeks and sit in the sun with a blanket around you until you fall asleep. You will be woken by the black crows (dohle) who pester you for food, which of course is forbidden. (naughty crows!) When you are feeling like some real fun, get the cable car down to the next level and get yourself a sledge, which is free, well not really but its part of the entry fee, so enjoy it. There are around 6km of downhill tracks full of wild kids, that shoot past you as they seem to know what they are doing and can control their direction. Not like me, my first launch off the top took me into the trees, until someone kindly told me how to control these, then I was off, like a steam train flying. Watch out as some parts are really fast and bumpy, I was airborne a few times and up on one edge, but that's all part of the fun! This is a picture of me (on the left), my work colleague John (yes in the silly yellow hat and no gloves!) and his cute daughter Yasmin that had more idea that the pair of us. There is a very funny video of us taken as we first took off, which is a great laugh, you actually see me shooting off towards the trees and everyone laughing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice pic of Pilatus!
Looking forward to more.
/Pat in Amsterdam