Monday, March 20, 2006


I thought I would share this funny story with you about my curtains. In my appartment I don't have any curtains yet, so I have to keep opening and closing the roller blinds, so I thought I would invest in a nice full length set, but what fun this was 'not!'. I took the meassurements and went looking in the local interior shops. I checked the sizes and bought some nice neutral colour ones, as my Mum always said, 'Don't get them too dark or it will make your room look smaller' so I took her advice, for once. So each set was supposed to be the same size meassurement, or that's what it said on the packet. Big long bastards would have been a closer meassurement, as when I hung them there was some extra, which I expected and I knew I would have to take up. But I thought if I take up the same amount on each, then this would save me having to hang them all first. After all they were all supposed to be the same size, and I believed this looking at the label the packets. So I got the ironing board out, meassured the first by hanging it up and taking up what I need so they flow easily without touching the floor. Easy, I thought, so I ironed with that sticky strip your get, the stuff that makes it easy so you don't have to get the needle and thread out. So all 3 now ironed with the same amount of turn up at the bottom, so now the fun starts, hang them and your done. Well not so easy, as 2 out of 3 were perfect, the same size the same length and looked good. But the 3rd set was still touching the floor, how odd I thought as this was the same meassurement. So although I turned this up the same as the other 2, it was still too long. So I was up and down hanging bloody curtains all night. The neighbours must have thought I was a litte strange as the curtain were up then down and up again. Opened then closed a dozen times. So the moral of the story is, hang them all and don't believe the sizes on the packet. Lucky for me the sticky stuff can be reused! PS if you want to see a piture of my curtains, I must have at least 3 requests!! My lovely curtains, well you wanted to see them so enjoy!


Anonymous said...

What a bloody palava as Mum would say. I'm glad you finally got them up..and I'm sure your neighbors are glad too..I'm sure they were tired of seeing you walking around in the buff!!
Please show the curtains I'd love to see them.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed Bim! For future referance you could always use a tape measure to compare the lengths or just offer them all up against each other it would be quicker than hanging them up twice. You can never trust ready made's!