Saturday, March 03, 2007

It’s not all doom and gloom

Having just read through my latest blog entries I find I’m turning into a miserable old git! So without further a do I shall write something a little more pleasing. I have a collection of videos I have not yet had the chance to watch, but being sick is a perfect time to catch up on these. The first one was one I got at Christmas, a present from my younger sister as I said I wanted to keep up to speed with English humor as I’m still trying to influence Swiss people. So what did I watch, well it was a copy of ‘The Royale Family – The Queen of Sheba.’ A new feature length episode with great humor and a sentimental over tune, a real classic. This is real English humor depicting a lower class family and their everyday lifestyle, which in many ways we can all associate with and not too uncommon from my own family. Ha-ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I must be honest you can sound like a miserable grumpy old go from naughty school boy (fart humor) to grumpy old man. Well look on the bright side no one can say you are boring...your personality is diverse. As far as our family..well I think the Adams Family is more appropriate but then again I have never seen the 'Royal Family' I wonder if I can get a copy here in America.