Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Child Perception!

Do you believe children can perceive things we can’t? Well I do! Children seem to sense and feel when there is a problem. Maybe not all, but definitely some, and from my own experience I can say I have felt this. It’s kind of spooky, so be careful around some children that have this extra sense which we seem to have lost growing up, and I have several personal experiences (but I will spare you the details), as they know you better than you think!

Nothings gonna change this world....

Before I start I have just noticed that my latest blog enteries have all be done on a Tuesday, mmm, don't you think this is a little odd? Sitting in Starbucks watching the world go round is a nice way to idly pass time. Observing people, day dreaming and of course coffee drinking with friends. From the moment I walked into Starbucks I could not get; ‘nothings gonna change this world’ song from the Beatles out of my head, even though it had not been played. I was so curious on what the words were; when I got home I rummaged through my Beatles’ collection trying to find the song. It was pretty hard as I did not know the words let alone the title. But with a little help from Google I found it. And noticed I had the Album on cd so could play this.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Life is a Cabaret

Pinch me and wake me from dreaming as I am lost in a kaleidoscope make-believe world, and reality is dragging me from my unconsciousness and teasing me out of my safe and warm sanctuary. Another dawn has blessed us and my alarm with its annoyance is forcing me into a decision, but my senses are still in a state of limbo and do not want to react. But before I can absorb the sound of my alarm into my dream, my body twitches into life and like a robot my outstretched arm returns the room into silence. Do I have to endure this every day, I think to myself as I turn over in bed and wait for the recall 10 minutes later? I finally submit to embrace another day and reluctantly emerge from under my duvet and kick start my sleepy body into first gear. What will today’s adventures be and do I really have much control of them, or should I slip back into bed and carry on dreaming? As you have probably gathered I love my sleep, but don’t seem to go to bed early enough to benefit from it. So now that I have finally taken my conscious breath, yawned and stretched, I can draw back the curtains and welcome the daylight into my room. To me it is like the first act at a theatre and as I’m the curator of this story, ‘let the show begin!’ So without making this a long and boring tale I will just summarize the day and return back to bed… The point I want to make is that everyday we start a new day, a new adventure and try to make this day better than the one before. Throughout the day we absorb new information from numerous sources and store that away in our heads, although segmented into different storage areas to be recalled at a later date when we think we need this. Some information is hidden so deep we forget how to retrieve this, or it is not filed away properly and gets put in the wrong filing cabinet and lost in the depth of our mind. Throughout the day we are normally compounded by news and gossip and there never seems to be an absence of media sources that will compound us on a daily basis. Once we have finally exhausted the little energy we have left then it’s time to return to our safe haven and recharge our batteries for the next day. So I shall now close my curtains, my blog and slip quietly into bed so I can regurgitate today’s information into another bizarre dream….. Good night!

Friday, February 16, 2007


I have just returned from the big telecom’s event, 3GSM World Congress and I’m glad to rest my feet. As Exhibitors we had 5 hours per day on stand duty trying to sell our wears and my feet after the first day were killing me. Although I can’t complain too much because it was a very enjoyable and busy week, not forgetting the weather was beautiful. The Exhibition was fun and great to catch up on new technologies, new exhibitors and old friends. Obviously eating too much and having many late nights and early morning starts. I did not stay over at the end of the week for a weekend of site-seeing but I did last time and it’s a beautiful city to explore, especially if you like architecture. My cheap easyJet flight was well worth the trip and very cost effective at CHF110 return. Oh yeah, I also took some nice pictures of the girls at the exhibition, I went to the 'New Camp' Barcelona FC football ground and met some players. So all in all a good week in Barcelona.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

5 minutes to doomsday!

Is this a fact, reality or just words? Well the doomsday clock, showing the last 15 minutes to doomsday has moved back and forth over the last few decades, depending on world catastrophes, mainly man made such as wars, genocide, revolutions, terrorism and nuclear threats. The best time the clock has shown was 17 minutes to doomsday and the worst (after September 11th) was 2 minutes to, but did drop back nearer 15 minutes to. So if I have completely confused you, check out the link. Although political analysts predict that we are now at the most critical stage ever, as there seems to be more world threats than ever before. As an example; Iran building it’s nuclear capabilities, the ever lasting trouble in the Middle East, North Korea and then there is the new world pollutant leading country of China. So if we don’t blow ourselves up, kill ourselves, then we will surely destroy the planet from pollutants and global warming. So maybe we should all go to the bookies and place a bet on which one comes first, as I’m sure you will get good odds…Are the 1947 scientists right or is this a load of baloney?