Friday, June 27, 2008

I am sailing, I am sailing........

There is always a first time for everything and this was my first ever sailing experience and what an experience! Knocking off early on a Friday afternoon is a great way to start the weekend, afterall it's not all work and no play! As you see in the picture, we have just returned after 3 hours on the waves and a force 3-4 is enough for a beginner like me, so I don't think I have my sea legs just yet. In the background you see Rob, my fellow work colleague and skipper of the yatch. I'm not sure about the details of the boat, but it is more than big enough for 1 person to handle so Rob was pleased that I could help (maybe hinder), him on Lac de Neuchâtel, yes the French region of Switzerland. Setting off from Bern, Neuchâtel is about a 45 minute car journey away, but a beautiful part of Switzerland and has a massive lake that would take you all day to try and sail around. Once we arrived Rob gave me clear instructions, safety first of course, the do's and do nots on board. Such as, make sure when your drinking your beer, place it in a secure place when you are 'turning about' otherwise the beer goes everywhere and you end up sitting in a pool of beer and have smelly shorts and a wet ass. So with my life jacket securely fastened, sail covers removed, achor aboard, tigh ropes removed and an adiquate supply of beer, we set off. ....................tbc

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