Monday, January 28, 2008

I'm as high as a kite!

Have you ever been up in a small light aircraft, soring around the skies?


Anonymous said...

Actually I have, believe it or not it was on a date...the second date! It was great fun and I flew the plane.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
You look awsome in the pilot's seat. I did it once way back when, and the feeling was surreal!
Bye the way, it is now March, I miss reading your blog....c'mon now get some more entries in

your big sis

Anonymous said...

Yes, I have! I was a guest passenger for a round flight on board of a Cessna. The pilot was Istvan Maradi, CTO of Magyar Telekom Plc.

Claudia Hidalgo. V said...

This blog is getting boring, never change!!!Put more photos don't be lazy.

Anonymous said...

OK What's going on??? My comment has not been published and I am waiting for more stories...c'mon already!!!

Tired of waiting in Tampa!

Anonymous said...

Certainly looks like "it suits you, Sir!"
I have only flown once in such a little tin box with wings... but have never landed in one!?! When we got to our highest point, I jumped out!! Now that was so much fun, I had face (smile) cramps and wide eyes for a week.
