Thursday, January 04, 2007

Christmas Christmas Christmas

Or should I be politically correct (thanks bureaucracy), and call this time of year ‘Seasonal Greetings’ so I don’t offend anybody! Anyway enough of this as I don’t want to get into a debate on what is or isn’t accepted, or waffle on about what I did or did not do over the festive season, so I will kept this short and sweet. So what have I done? Well here is a quick synopsis, so hold on to the reigns of your Reindeer, sit comfortably in your sleigh and enjoy the ride. Early December I had a return squash game with Monica and this time I beat her 3-2, so I’m actually improving. And I hope Santa brings me a new squash racket then she will have no chance, that’s provided that I don’t over indulge and eat too much food, otherwise I will be wobbling around the court. Next, I had several ‘Apéros’ at work, with friends and neighbours. Additionally a few Christmas lunches and dinners, then left the sunny snow covered mountains of Switzerland behind and headed of for the damp, wet and windy south coast of England returning to the UK for Christmas with my family and friends. From the 24th to 30th I stayed with my sister and her family, which was great fun catching up as this was the longest period I have actually stayed with them, but well worth it. A little hectic at times as she has two sons aged 13 and 6, but all in all a great time. Then off to my parents on the 30th till the 3rd when it was time to return back to Switzerland and home, well a second sort of home. My parents had just arrived back from a 7 day break to Italy and had enjoyed the beautiful scenery of Europe on their coach trip. As the weather was pretty bad and the heavy winds had arrived in the UK a lot of New Years Eve outdoor parties and events were cancelled, so we (my parents and I), just stayed indoors and played silly games, which was also very nice and completely different from last year as I was in New York. So having caught up with friends and family the 10 days disappeared very fast and it was time to return to Switzerland and a new year ahead to look forward to.

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