Saturday, December 02, 2006

Indoor cycling convention

Wow, we made it!
Today was the 'cycling convention' a 5 hour indoor cycling day, basically open to non members of the sports centre also. Well we, Arif and myself arrived early to ensure we got a bike for the first hour. So arriving at 10am we made sure we selected our bikes, adjusted these to suit and placed our towels and drinks bottle on them so we could guarantee we were at least going to do the first hour, starting at 11am. Well the room soon filled up and the 50 bikes were all taken with more people eagerly waiting to participate outside. So the 5 teachers set us off and took turns throughout the 5 hours to lead and give us a taste of their personality, music and endurance. So having completed the first hour, Arif and I decided to go for the next. After a 5 minute break, to change participants and top up our water bottles we were set for the next hour. This continued for 4 hours and although we felt our bodies were now suffering, we thought lets do the final hour. So after an energy bar, a banana, more drinks, we went the final hurdle and completed the 5 hours. This was a massive achievement for us, as we were both suffering after 4 hours, but to show the Swiss that us Brits have the staying power to keep going was worth the suffering. If you check out the link you will see a picture of me taking a well deserved drink. The teachers did not stay the full 5 hours, they changed throughout but all started the first and ended on the last.
Big thanks to Arif for his support and commitment to go the journey. Lance Armstrong eat my shorts! :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Charlie, well done i expect you had your bike positioned behind some froiline too keep you going...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee