Friday, July 21, 2006

So much trouble!

Although I wanted to refrain from talking about 3 things; love, religion and politics, I have to relinquish myself as I’m incensed with all the trouble in the world. What the hell is going on and why is ‘mankind’ trying so hard to ‘fuck up’ the very essence of life and existence we all strive so hard for? What has gone wrong?? I don’t have the answers and I don’t understand the depth and complexities that have manifested to get us into this turmoil in the 21st Century. But I’m fed up with only hearing bad news on the TV and in the papers. It seems ironic that well known TV companies can make a drama out of a crisis, with on the ground reports video images and propaganda. Where is this going to end, or will it never end? Which is more worrying! Will we ever be a world of peace, harmony and consideration for our fellow human beings? I think not! Why? Because it’s in man's nature to destroy, just look back through history and from the beginning of mankind has caused wars, terror, torture and turmoil. Always the innocent people suffer at the hands of their leaders and dictators, which is a great pity as these people have no individual strength, power or money to change this. And if you happen to live in a country under such rule or regime then life can be intolerable. These are the poor pawns in the grand master plan of their leaders, who treat them as surplus to requirements, that can be dispensable and also used as a propaganda tool to aid their belief and perpetual desire to permeate and destroy. If the United Nations and the G8 Countries actually got off their proverbial asses, they might be able to stop some of the innocent victims from death, destruction and disaster. For every day wasted more and more people will die and be lost to a wasted course that will never ever end. I’m not just referring to the Middle East crisis, but to all troubles around the world, whether man made or natural catastrophes.

Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if our beautiful world was being subjected to hostilities from another world? Would we unite or would we die because of our arrogance? It’s not strange I ask this question. It's as if you use the comparison of your favourite football team you will be a loyal supporter, wear the team colours, go religiously to the games, sing their anthem and hate all opposing supporters, BUT when you are on holiday, say in Spain, and you spot a fellow football supporter from your home country, wearing his teams shirt, you disregard his choice of team in favour of his friendship in this foreign country and become best of buddies. Also when your country is participating in the FIFA World Cup football, then you are once again all buddies down the pub, united in song. But back home at the football ground you think nothing about kicking the shit out of the same guy and chanting obscenities to the very people you were (or could've been) buddies with on holiday. Well, my point is, we believe in safety in numbers; we like to be part of a following, organisation, group or team and we will defend what we believe in unequivocally. But what we really need is to have an open mind, consideration, compassion, respect, support and willingness to work together for each other, then we might start the basic fundamental principles to preserve humanitarian values.

Bob Marley was right, listen to his song................

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bim,
I couln't agree with you more. Man is just bent on destroying himself. The analagy with football was excellent as that is how we are as a people. There is a saying in Arabic - when two brothers are fighting and a cousin comes along the two brothers band together to fight the cousin and when a friend comes along the brothers and cousin band together to fight the friend and so on.
It is terrible what is going on in the world....especially in the Middle East...The civilians are always the ones's to suffer. In Iraq they say 100 people per day are being killed by the civil insurgency there. Who knows what the outcome will be and when. Having lived in the middle east I understand Israel's need to defend their country. Hezbolla have been firing misiles at Israel for years..Israel was waiting for the opportunity to attack and Hetzbolla gave them one. Unfortunatly the world seems to look at Israel as the bad guy because of all the lebanese civilians that have lost their lives etc. In and sunnie are blowing each other Sri Lanka there is a civil war....when America went into Afghanistan and took out the taliban .hundreds of innocent people were killed but America were heros...and the minute an Israeli aims his gun...he is an aggressor and how could he etc. the world is quick to blame Isreal. The propeganda us unbelievable both here and in other countries....
As far as Gaza and the Palistians I do feel Israel is way too harsh and the restrictions are unbearable for the Palistians...and the Palistian peole deserve their homeland back and the wall needs to come down and I hope both sides can calm down and come to an agreement, but in the war now...I do think Israel has the right to defend her self against Hetzbollah...who state they want the destruction of Israel and our backed by Iran.
People act like it is all over kidnapped soilders when it is so much deeper than that.....well anyway I think I will go back to listing to Bob Marley cos he is the only one who makes sense.