Sunday, July 16, 2006

Hitchhicker guide to Bern!

Whilst driving back home to Bern from Ribeauville I arrived at the boarder crossing at Basel and spotted 3 girls on the side of the road looking to go to Bern. So I decided to pull over and offer them a lift, although this is contray to what I would normally do, I was going that way, I had a hire car and it was around 10pm, and thought I would not like to be on the side of the road at this time. I realise this was their choice, but nevertheless I felt impulsed to offer them a lift. So all loaded up we set off and had an interesting conversation on the way, well if you can say that as they only spoke French and Spainish, and as my French is pretty poor to say the least and my Spanish is worse, so you can inmage the conversation. One of the girls acculally spoke English as bad as my French, so we were able to communicate and I understood they were off to the ‘Gurten Music Festival’ in Bern, which I was well aware of. Anyway to cut a long story short, I dropped them off, made a call to their friend who was to meet them, as their phones were not activated for internaltional roaming (which they did not realise), exchaged some money for them as they also did not realise they could not use Euros and ensured they got into a camp site. I then dropped the car off at Avis car hire and went home to bed! I know I did not have to do any of this and maybe on another occation I wouldn't as you never know who you can pick up on the road, but for some reason unknown to myself I just felt implused to do this and help them on there way. I think I'm going to invest in a 'Babelfish' as all these different languages are making communication difficult!


Anonymous said...

you don't normally pick-up hitchhikers!!! unless of course they are three damsel in distress and your right there. Three guys and you'd keep on going!

Life is always full of mysterious meet people for a reason....sometimes not a good reason...but usually to learn something from what did you learn from having three woman trying to communicate with you in Spanish and French and everso gratefull you picked them up? You should probably invest in a little phrase book in several languages and keep it on you at all times. I hear you know how to say "do you come here often and are your married" in about 8 languages.

James said...

I can't help having a soft spot for girls, but as it was late and I was going their way and they did not look too dangerous, then I felt a kind gesture was in order...
This is the second time I have ever given someone a lift and the first time I married her!!! NOT REALLY, just a joke! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

James said...

Anonymous person please reveal yourself!

Anonymous said...

Hey bim,

Who the hell is this asshole he keeps leaving comments..I find some information here" and it links to gambling sites...tell him to "Get A Life" ! I just can't stand weak people who hide behind 'anoymous'