Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Just face it!

Talk about getting spammed, well if you, like me, have been introduced to on-line community groups, such as facebook, then don't despair as there is life outside in the real world.
I had never heard of facebook about a year ago, until my little sister sent me an invitation. So like you and many millions of others I thought, well this may be fun. But after many months of people connecting to me and growing my social group, let alone all the other people that seemed to be my extended friends and family connected to me I found that I was being spammed all day and night. Every time a friend, family member, or someone on my buddy list had an update I was informed.
Well after applying all the filters to stop the shit load of notifications, I decided this is not for me. Basically I was sick of the stupid crappy jokes, the flowers in my garden, the fish in my aquarium, the YouTube videos, the stuff on my fun wall, my super wall and much, much more, I thought does anyone do any work, or do they just sit behind their desk spamming all their friends.
Anyway, I don't actively take part anymore, although I must admit my profile is still there, but I did get wondering how many other social communities are there out there and how many times do you have to replicate all the crap with everyone. So I just added up all the Business ones I'm trying not to use and all the social ones and here is my list. Oh, if you are on more than 3 Business and Social groups then like me you are a sad bastard and you need to get a life. Buy a motorbike like I did and get out of the house before you make your computer your best friend. See previous story about me turning into my computer.
So here is the list I'm kind of on, Business; LinkedIn, Plaxo (or is it now called Plaxo Plus?), NotchUp, Naymz, Blue Chip Experts, Open Business Group and I'm sure more, I just can't remember there names and on the Social Network side; facebook, English Forum (Swiss Website full of pretentious Brits who seem to have nothing better to do than ridicule all new joiners who can not navigate around their precious site), Hyves, Friends Reunited, Friendster and many more.
Sorry for being a bit grumpy about all of these but enough already, give me a break. They even try to make it easy for you to populate your new site with a few simple clicks and you can send all of your personal info to the new social groups. So if you are worried about big brother watching you, well you have volunteered all this information, not just once but several times. Oh I did also forget the Yahoo, Google, MSN and otter communities. Wow, do we have enough time in the day to even reply to these, or maybe we should post a note to say 'closed gone fishing!' as this looks like more fun..

I'm terrible!

I have promised to start this year off and write my blog on a regular basis as I have many requests, but I have always found a good excuse, and as you see my last entry was January 28th, so it's time to catch up. I'm not sure where I will start, but I have a load of topics inside my head that need to be extracted and put to paper.