Hypothetically speaking, what would happen if our beautiful world was being subjected to hostilities from another world? Would we unite or would we die because of our arrogance? It’s not strange I ask this question. It's as if you use the comparison of your favourite football team you will be a loyal supporter, wear the team colours, go religiously to the games, sing their anthem and hate all opposing supporters, BUT when you are on holiday, say in Spain, and you spot a fellow football supporter from your home country, wearing his teams shirt, you disregard his choice of team in favour of his friendship in this foreign country and become best of buddies. Also when your country is participating in the FIFA World Cup football, then you are once again all buddies down the pub, united in song. But back home at the football ground you think nothing about kicking the shit out of the same guy and chanting obscenities to the very people you were (or could've been) buddies with on holiday. Well, my point is, we believe in safety in numbers; we like to be part of a following, organisation, group or team and we will defend what we believe in unequivocally. But what we really need is to have an open mind, consideration, compassion, respect, support and willingness to work together for each other, then we might start the basic fundamental principles to preserve humanitarian values.
Bob Marley was right, listen to his song................
Today is my elder sister's birthday and as you should never ask a girl her age I will spare you the detials. Fifi is her knick name as she has been called since she was a kid, so I have carried this on.
She lives with her husband Greg in Brooklyn, New York and has a 22 year old son Michael.
She is very good with languages, has a great sense of humor, a wicked laugh and is also my buddy.